On the Accademia del Giglio website you can find the new Art History course on the Italian garden and Tuscan villas. The course is held by Ms Serena Bedini and has been conceived as complementary to the long-established course on the Italian and Florentine Renaissance, whose success lies in the “hands-on” approach to the work of art and its complex layers of meanings and variety of interpretations. Both courses have a duration of 2 weeks. While the course on the Renaissance takes place mostly in the main museums and monuments of Florence, the course on Italian garden aims at explaining the importance of the countryside villas in the cultural life of the Renaissance period through guided visits to the main Medici’s treasures. Lectures at school will also introduce the student to the historical events and to the most significant artistic works which marked the 15th and the 16th in Italy. Every week students will attend 2 lessons (1 hour each) and will take at least 3 excursions to ancient villas or historical gardens in the Tuscan countryside (2-3 hours each per visit). Four sessions are scheduled for 2007. Click here for more details about the program
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