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Febbraio 2007

Sarasa Krishnan: a dancing artist

sarasaSarasa Krishnan attended Art classes at Accademia del Giglio last January for the second time. Sarasa is both a dancer and an artist. You can view many of her amazing artworks on her interesting site. In the following short interview Sarasa talks about her paintings and her passion for Art in general…

When did you start painting?
I have been drawing and painting all my life. When I was very young, I was an avid reader and when I ran out of books to read, I used to draw, copy any pictures I could find or draw leaves and animals and people in my environment.
We know that you are also a dancer. Do you consider painting and dancing as separated from each other or you feel they can interact in your artistic activity?
In my mind, these two disciplines are are inextricably related. The impetus of creation stems from the very same center. When an artist creates, only one small portion of her psyche is engaged in the actual pedantics of the work…. how we mix the colour, what canvas to use etc.
The rest of her sensibilities is operating on a different plane of consciousness. I say, in a very broad way working from an inner vision. This is also true for a dancer or choreographer. After the initial framework, the creative processes operate on a deeper level of consciousness. Technique is no longer something to grapple with. You dance from within. Living that moment of movement to the fullest is real dance……real art.
Can you tell us about the main subjects and themes of your artworks?
So far I have been drawing subjects directly related to Indian dance, Sacred art , spiritual and mythological subjects, dancers ,that I have used in my performances with ancient poetry. But apart from the subjects of my art, I am more interested to create movement and life within my paintings. This is my real passion. The images that are created should communicate with the viewer. They all have their own characters that are almost alive.
What about your painting techniques? Which is the one you prefer? and why?
I usually paint with oils on different textured canvases. Acrylics form in many cases, a kind of under painting. Of late I started using water colours and egg-tempera [that I learnt at your school] . My latest love is the creation of frescoes. I find it a fascinating medium of artistic expression! Painting on a wet canvas, leaves so much to the elements and time. This creates a constant state of apprehension… excitement! I cannot say that I like only one method . They are all wonderful mediums of creativity.
Why did you decide to come to Italy and study Art?
Florence holds a special place, I am sure, in the hearts of many artists. The city is as romantic a vision as one can imagine.The narrow lanes, old beautiful buildings and magnificent churches, not mentioning the countless works of the masters. This is one place I have always wanted to come to learn or simply stand in a corner and paint! I am very lucky to be given this opportunity, not once but 4 times. I take it as God’s gift to me.
Do you have any other artistic experience abroad?
As far as Visual Arts go, my first paintings were sold in Paris, after one of my dance performances. I was pleasantly surprised that it was of interest to the European sensibility! Since then I have sold to different parts of Europe, USA ,Asia and Australia. Some of my paintings were used as performance pieces while others as performance posters.
On the dance scene, I have been performing since a child in venues around the world through my school of dance The Temple of Fine Arts Inc.
What are your plans or your wishes for the future?
I am currently embarking on bringing a little Indian flavour to Italy. I was teaching dance in January in Florence and will be teaching again for 3 months [April May June] . I hope to do an exhibition in Florence as well then.Apart from that, I have started on a post grad work in the interdisciplinary study of Dance and Visual Arts. Hopefully this study will be a catalyst in my growth as a complete individual , a complete artiste.
Thank you Sarasa!
Thank you!

2 comments to Sarasa Krishnan: a dancing artist

  • mira gopinath

    Hi sarasa,

    will you come and teach in malaysia ? How do i go about it ? What other kinks of paintings do you do ? Portraits maybe…….


  • […] can view more of her amazing artworks on her interesting site. Following this link you can read an interview to Sarasa where she talks about her paintings and her passion for Art. (Click on the images to […]

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