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Italian language and Art courses at AdG school 2007

art school adgThe next Italian language group courses will be held at AdG school from November 12th 2007 to December 7th. On the coming December classes will on the contrary take place on a two-week basis, that is from December 10th to 21st. Individual courses are always available on demand also during Christmas vacations (except obviously bank holidays). For more detailed information about programs and prices please visit our website.

Besides, on the same dates it is possible to start our Drawing and Painting classes for a minimum duration of one week. Courses normally start on the days specified in the school entry dates and take place in the afternoon, Monday through Thursday. On Fridays only open Art studio. Students may choose to study one or more of the main techniques such as sanguine, pen-and-ink, pastel, crayon, oil painting, acrylic, watercolour and fresco.
The courses in Art are normally taught both in Italian and in English. Our school offers the possibility to attend an Italian language course with a 5% price discount to students who do not have a sound knowledge of Italian.

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