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The Sketchbook and Landscape course: pics of the students from the St. Andrew’s School (South Africa)

Here are a few pictures from the Sketchbook and Landscape workshop held in the main squares and gardens of Florence this August 2008. The course has been attended by the students of the St. Andrew’s School from Johannesburg, South Africa and it has been organized by Accademia del Giglio in Florence, Italy. Pictures have been taken by the Art teacher, Mr Maurizio R. Bentivegna.

Alcune foto del Corso di Sketchbook e paesaggismo tenutosi nelle più importanti piazze e giardini di Firenze. Il corso è stato frequentato dal St. Andrew’s School (Johannesburg, Sudafrica) e organizzato dall’Accademia del Giglio di Firenze. Foto del Maestro d’Arte Maurizio R. Bentivegna.

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