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Art Seminars in Florence: winter 2009/2010. Life Drawing, Portrait and Fresco techniques

Next Art kats2Seminars and Workshops during this winter 2009/2010 offered by Accademia del Giglio, Art school in Florence. Each workshop lasts 5 days for a total of 30 hours of lessons.

Life Drawing Seminars
This course deals with visual understanding by direct observation of the human body and it includes the acquisition of basic notions of anatomy as well as the methodology used to draw bodies and faces. Students will practice with the main drawing tools, i.e. graphite, charcoal, sanguine, pen-and-ink, pastel crayon. It is possible to combine the study of the drawing with the colour techniques such as oil or acrylic. On every session students will draw from either female or male models posing in the nude.
November 2nd– 6th 2009
March 1st – 5th 2010
May 3rd – 7th 2010

The Portrait and Self-portrait Seminargin
This course is mainly an intensive study of the physiognomy. Through making rapid strokes in pencil (or charcoal) students will learn how to portray the essential features of a human face, and through more elaborate drawings they will focus on details, on the effect of light and shade (“the chiaroscuro”), as well as on the psychological value of facial expression. Colour techniques will be then taught by using either pastel or oil or also acrylic. Students will acquire good skills and abilities for painting the shades of complexion, the position of hands and the glittering of the eyes.
Part of the workshop can also be dedicated to the self-portrait.
February 22nd – 26th 2010

The intensive Fresco Seminar
The most peculiar quality of the fresco painting lies undoubtedly in its making: the pigment – a natural material – is laid on a fresh plaster several times in a short lapse of time, and through a cohesion process it fixes itself in the plaster, creating warm and subtle tones. During the workshop the students will follow the essential steps to making a fresco: for example they will learn how to prepare the “arriccio” (the preliminary layer of plaster spread on the tile), the cardboard for the sinopia and the use of the pigments.
November 30th – December 4th 2009
January 25th – 29th 2010
April 26th – 30th 2010

Combined Art workshop
Studying the technique you like… in the dates you prefer.
This is an open Art workshop, which allows you to combine 2 hours of private tuition in the morning with the lessons of the group course held in the afternoon. You can decide to focus on one or two techniques during the private lessons (i.e.: sanguine and charcoal drawing, watercolour, tempera, acrylic, oil glazing, etc.) and then either continue to study them in the core class or on the contrary switch to different artistic techniques always with the help of the teacher.

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