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Agosto 2011

Italians make it (coffee) better: reloaded

This post by Lorenzo Capanni first appeared five years ago on

Italians make it better. We are talking about coffee of course. From the north to the south of the country coffee is a daily ritual which no Italian would ever abandon. There are two ways of making coffee: with an espresso machine and with a moka express.
Espresso machines are normally used by professional baristas in bars and restaurants. If you want to have look at one of these machines you should visit La Marzocco website
and you will also know the secrets of a good espresso, the famous 4M: M for “Mano”, the hand of the barista, “Macinatura”, the grinding of the toasted coffee beans, “Miscela”, the mixture of the different types of coffee, and the “Macchina”, the espresso machine of course.
Useful advice and tips (in Italian) are also available on where you will also learn the importance of coffee in the Arts and Literature.
The express moka is one of those essential things that every Italian cannot live without it. It makes an espresso coffee which is probably less strong and foamy than the one you have in a bar, but the taste is not so different. The express moka is easy to use and it is small so that you can take it with you while you are travelling, as most of the Italians do.
Finally some word you should know about Italian coffee if you come to Italy: “macchiato”= with a drop of milk in it, “corretto” = with some whiskey or grappa in it (only after a big meal!), “ristretto” = very concentrated, “americano” = American style, “decaffeinato” = without caffeine.

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