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Dicembre 2011

50+50= over 100 songs to learn italian

Here is a list of over 100 exercises and activities published on AdGblog in the past few years in order to learn and improve the Italian language through Italian songs. All the posts have been sorted into 3 main level of knowledge of the language (according to the European common framework of reference of language learning and teaching) and have been tested in various classes of Italian for foreigners through the years at Accademia del Giglio. Many of the exercises try to put into practice the CLIL method and each of them display the subject which they focus on (tenses, prepositions, vocabulary, etc.).

The posts are listed in alphabetical order following the name of the singer.

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Italian with songs– A1/A2 LEVELS

Arisa: Malamoreno (vocabulary)

Malika Ayane: La prima cosa bella (present tense), Ricomincio da qui (future tense)

Baustelle ft. Valeria Golino: Piangi Roma (vocabulary, comprehension)

Samuele Bersani and Laura Pausini, Spaccacuore (verbs, pronouns, spelling, may be also suitable for B1 level)

Loredana Berté: Il mare d’inverno (vocabulary)

Alex Britti: La vasca (future tense, specific music vocabulary)

Claudio Cecchetto, Gioca jouer (articles and prepositions)

Piero Ciampi, Il vino (comprehension and present tense, may be also suitable for B1 level together with the activities  12 about wine)

Riccardo Cocciante: Io canto (future tense, comprehension true/false)

Paolo Conte: Vieni via con me (prepositions and present tense)

Elisa: Eppure sentire (un senso di te) (prepositions)

Gatti di vicolo miracoli: Capito?! (vocabulary)

Giorgia: Il mio giorno migliore (prepositions, pronouns and present tense)

Jovanotti: Il più grande spettacolo dopo il big bang (pronouns, present tense, comprehension true/false), La notte dei desideri (daily actions; for B1/B2 levels: text comprehension, if clauses)

Luca Madonia: L’alieno with Carmen Consoli and Franco Battiato (prepositions and synonims)

DJ Matrix: La tipica ragazza italiana (adjectives, people description, conversation activity)

Mina: Tintarella di luna (verbs)

Simona Molinari feat. Peter Cincotti, In cerca di te (comprehension, telling brief stories of people)

Nada: Luna piena (present tense)

Anna Oxa: Quando nasce un amore (synonims, verbs, may be suitable also for B1 level)

Giuliano Palma & The Bluebeaters: Tutta mia la città (comprehension with synonims)

Gino Paoli: Sapore di sale (vocabulary of the human body, comprehension true/false)

Rita Pavone: La partita di pallone (text structure, vocabulary, Italian stereotypes)

Righeira: L’estate sta finendo (present tense, passato prossimo and writing composition)

Vasco Rossi: E adesso che tocca a me (vocabulary), Ti prendo e ti porto via (present tense, vocabulary)

Alan Sorrenti: Figli delle stelle (preposition, vocabulary), Non so che darei (pronouns, verbs, writing composition)

Subsonica e Antonella Ruggiero, Per un’ora d’amore (verbs)

Luigi Tenco: Mi sono innamorato di te (part of the activity about love)

Zero Assoluto, Per dimenticare (future tense and prepositions)

Nina Zilli: L’uomo che amava le donne (present tense and imperfetto)

Zucchero: Con le mani (present tense and imperative), Baila (Sexy Thing) (vocabulary)

Italian with songs – B1/B2 LEVELS

United artists for Abruzzo: Domani 21 aprile 2009 (vocabulary and spelling)

Claudio Baglioni: Sabato pomeriggio (various tenses and word games)

Franco Battiato: Povera patria (anagrammes and opposites), La cura (future tense, vocabulary)

Alex Britti, Una su un Milione (vocabulary, word games, may be also suitable for A2 level)

Scrambled Christmas songs: Bianco Natale and Tu scendi dalle stelle (word order, focus on listening skills)

Caparezza ft. Tony Hadley: Goodbye Malinconia (vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, ways of saying, Italian cutlure, may be also available C1/C2 level)

Sergio Caputo: Dammi un po’ di più (vocabulary)

Carmen Consoli: AAA cercasi (vocabulary and synonims)

Lucio Dalla: Caruso (vocabulary, passato remoto, dialect expressions)

Elisa and Ligabue:  Gli ostacoli del cuore (focus on listening skills, may be also available C1 level)

Tiziano Ferro: Non me lo so spiegare (idiomatic espressions, ways of saying), La differenza tra te e me (comprehension, spelling)

Fabri Fibra: Tranne te (verbs, ways of saying, youth slang, jargon, writing compositions)

Michael Franti & Spearhead feat. Jovanotti: The sound of sunshine (vocabulary, various tenses)

Rosanna Fratello, Son0 una donna, non sono una santa (imperative, comprehension)

Giorgio Gaber: Destra-Sinistra (Italian with politics, idiomatic expressions, Italian culture), Bella Ciao (verbs, vocabulary, History of Italian)

Rino Gaetano: Ma il cielo è sempre più blu (vocabulary, ways of saying)

Raphael Gualazzi: Follia d’amore (future and conjunctions)

Jovanotti: Tutto l’amore che ho (conditional sentences, gerund)

La Crus e Nina Zilli: Io confesso (comprehension)

Luciano Ligabue: Ho messo via (vocabulary), Un colpo all’anima (nouns and adjectives)  and Una vita da mediano (prepositions, passato remoto)

Mia Martini: Almeno tu nell’universo (pronouns, comprehension with cloze)

Mina e Manuel Agnelli – Afterhours: Adesso è facile (present tense, passato prossimo, imperfetto)

Mina: Sono come tu mi vuoi (subjunctive)

Domenico Modugno e Negramaro: Meraviglioso (present tense, passato prossimo e imperfetto)

Claudia Mori:  Buonasera dottore (focus on listening comprehension)

Nada: La canzone per dormire (imperative + pronouns, use of the verbs riuscireprovareAmore disperato (various past tenses, pronouns).

Gianna Nannini: Sei nell’anima (vocabulary, opposites); with Edoardo Bennato, Un’estate italiana (soccer vocabulary, two comprehensions, the first-one is also suitable for A1/A2 levels); with Giorgia: Salvami (imperative); with Fabri Fibra: In Italia (conversation activities, may be also suitable for C1 level).

Neffa: Lontano dal tuo sole (vocabulary)

Negramaro: Estate (comprehension)

Noemi e Fiorella Mannoia: L’amore si odia (focus on listening comprehension)

Bobo Rondelli: Ho picchiato la testa (Italian stereotypes, conversation activities)

Vasco Rossi: Il mondo che vorrei (conditional tense, may be also suitable for A2 level), Vita spericolata (comprehension, music vocabulary); also watch the video comprehension Come Vasco Rossi è diventato una rockstar.

Giuni Russo: Un’estate al mare (verbs)

Ehi Oh!Laviamoci dei Sette Nani (vocabulary, comprehension, activity for passato remoto with Biancaneve)

Alan Sorrenti: Tu sei l’unica donna per me (imperative, present tense and future tense, music vocabulary)

Steve Rogers Band: Me ne vado (pronouns)

Subsonica feat. Righeira: La funzione (various tenses, prepositions)

Italian with songs – C1/C2 LEVELS

12 Sigle dei Varietà italiani anni ’60, ’70 e ’80  (comprehension, Italian culture, may be also available for B2 level)

Various artists: Nel blu dipinto di blu/Volare (focus on listening comprehension, conversation activities)

Lucio Battisti: Una donna per amico (various tenses, prepositions, pronouns)

Edoardo Bennato: La mia città (adjectives)

Paolo Benvegnù: Io e il mio amore (verbs, prepositions, conjunctions)

Sergio Caputo: L’astronave che arriva (verbs, vocabulary), Un sabato italiano (vocabulary)

Simone Cristicchi: Meno male che c’è Carla Bruni (vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Also suitable for B2 level)

Irene Grandi: Bruci la città (subjunctive in independent clauses)

Fiorella Mannoia: Come si cambia (various tenses, adjectives, comprehension)

Mina: Se telefonando (if clauses and passive forms)

Oblivion: I Promessi sposi cantati in soli 10 minuti (focus on listening comprehension, Italian culture, conversation activities)

Alberto Radius: Nel ghetto (vocabulary and an activity on the seventies in Italy)

Daniele Silvestri: La Paranza (vocabulary, verbs, prepositions, may be also suitable for B2 level)

Renato Zero: Ancora qui (vocabulary, synonims, Italian culture)

Related posts

Activities and exercises with specific Italian.
The AdGblog video comprehensions.
The AdGblog recipees.


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Accademia del Giglio, Italian language courses and Art classes in Florence, Italy.

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