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Gennaio 2025

In giro per l’Italia

In questi giorni un gruppo di studentesse del college OLMC (Our Lady Of Mercy College) di Melbourne è all’Accademia del Giglio di Firenze per seguire un corso di lingua italiana. Durante l’attività per il rinforzo dell’uso del passato prossimo e imperfetto incentrata sul tema del viaggio, le studentesse hanno letto un breve brano di Andrea […]

Photos d’Italie…

Bonjour à tout le monde! Nous avons suivi une semaine de formation de la langue Italienne et de l’Histoire de l’Art et de la Mode à l’Accademia del Giglio, où nous avons appris dans la joie et la bonne humeur, tout en s’amusant. Voici quelques photos de notre première semaine à Florence, passée en compagnie […]

Soccer quiz!

Now you can take a quiz on the soccer culture. Since we are in “Italia” the Questions will be concentrated on Italian soccer.

1. Who won the last world cup,and in which city was it played? 2. How many times and in which years was the world cup won by the Italians?

3. Who raised […]

El mundo colorido de Giotto

Es desde hace pocos dias la noticia de los recientes estudios relativos a los colores originales de los frescos de Giotto en la Basilica Superior de Asis. La busqueda ha permitido servirse de retoques digitales, de poder admirar tambien los verdaderos colores que el gran maestro ha escojido para su obra siete siglos atraz. Tintes […]

Tortelli in giapponese


トルテッリは、その名前からトルテッリーニ(ひき肉・チーズ・卵を混ぜ詰めた小型パスタ)と思われがちですが、実はじゃがいもを詰めた特殊なラビオリに似たものです。 ツーリストにはほとんど知られておらず、知っていても圧倒的にピザの方が人気があるのですが、地元の人にはこよなく愛されています。 実際フィレンツェの人たちは毎週末に街から30キロ離れたMugelloまでわざわざこの料理を食べに出掛けるほどです。 専門家からすると、トルテッリーニともラビオリとも違うトルテッリは一風変わった食べ物だとされていますが、もともと「トルテッリ」は古い言葉で、小さな 詰め物を意味しています。jちなみにじゃがいもについて言うと、コロンブスがアメリカから運んできてヨーロッパに食べ物として広まったのは19世紀になっ てからのことで、それ以前のトルテッリにはじゃがいもではないものが詰められていたと想像できます。

Questo articolo è una traduzione parziale di un articolo in italiano che potete trovare qui. Un grazie a Yuko e Mai, studentesse dell’AdG.

Librettos of Opera: The Sleepwalker

The Sleepwalker is an opera in two acts set in music by Vincenzo Bellini in the libretto I Felice Romani. The big composer wrote it in two months and, together with “The Puritan” and “Norma”, it is considered to be one of the most significant and classic of bellini. At the end of the first […]

Istruzioni per rilassarsi (2): attività didattica per il rinforzo dell’imperativo

Ecco qui i testi che gli studenti hanno redatto sull’esempio del brano di Italo Calvino che si trova qui:

Gabriela: Andare al cinema Quando vai al cinema devi scegliere un buon film, mettiti vestiti comodi, e vai! Quando sei lì, prendi qualcosa da bere e anche qualcosa da mangiare, ma non possono macare i popcorn! […]

Monsters and Fantastic Creatures: the Dragon

Have you ever heard talk of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster? Have you ever read the story of Saint George, of the princess of the dragon? The dragon was always an imaginary creature present in the fantasies of man. The name dragon comes from the Greek drákōn, of the verb dérkomai that means “to fasten […]

Internet against the mafia

When one thinks of Italy, one thinks, one also unfortunately thinks of the mafia. This word is probably and unfortunately one of the most exported of the entire peninsula. But what is truly known of this problem? The Italians themselves often settle the question by recognizing that it is a socio-economic curse but after all […]

Portraits d’auteur

Nous publions un deuxième bref article rédigé par cinq élèves du Lycée Flora Tristan, qui viennent de fréquenter un cours intensif d’italien, d’histoire de l’art et de la mode italienne à l’Accademia del Giglio à Florence, dans le cadre du projet européen Leonardo da Vinci.

Le tableau dont nous allons vous parler est exposé au […]