Abbiamo appena ricevuto il numero 225 dello Study Travel Magazine di luglio 2013, rivista rivolta agli agenti e ai professionisti del settore degli studi all’estero. Spigolando qua e là abbiamo scovato alcune notizie che possono interessare anche il settore della lingua italiana, sebbene in questo numero l’Italia non mi risulta sia stata nemmeno nominata.
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Accademia del Giglio, (Art school in the heart of Florence, Italy) is organizing this summer two seminars on Portrait and Self-portrait techniques on the following dates:
July 15th – 19th 2013 September 9th – 13th 2013
This workshop will take place in our institute and will have a duration of 5 days, […]
Adgblog è nato nell’agosto del 2006: migliaia di post (oltre 2600) sono stati pubblicati e migliaia di lettori sono passati attraverso le nostre pagine. Andiamo a rivedere cosa facevamo cinque anni fa ripubblicando i link ad alcuni post del giugno 2008 che ci sembrano ancora attuali.
Attività didattiche di italiano L2/LS
Indovina l’opera d’arte! […]
Ultimi posti disponibili per i seminari di Trompe l’oeil e Decorazione che si terranno entrambi presso l’Accademia del Giglio, scuola d’arte, disegno e pittura in via Ghibellina, 116 (nero) a Firenze nelle seguenti date:
22 – 26 luglio 2013
effetto trompe l’oeil
Il trompe l’oeil nasce dall’incontro tra la prospettiva italiana del […]
Draw and paint in front of the blue Tuscan sea!
Draw and paint the magic of the seascape
When: Friday June 21st 2013 Duration of the lesson: 4 hours Schedule: 2pm – 6pm Transportation to Castiglioncello and back to Florence included (by direct train, approx. 1 hour and 30 minutes). Departure […]
Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on July 1st and August 5th 2013 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in the heart of Florence.
Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency […]
Trompe-l’oeil by one of our former students: Yurina Sakamoto
This summer Accademia del Giglio will organize Trompe-l’oeil seminars in Florence on the following dates:
July 22nd – 26th 2013 September 23rd – 27th 2013
This conspicuous technique originates in the 15th century from the encounter of the Italian perspective with the Flemish realistic […]
The Center for Italian Studies is one of the most important departments of Accademia del Giglio, school of Italian in Florence since 1995. The Center offers a wide choice of studies and research activities, as well as cooperation projects with other institutes and universities from all over the world.
The Center arrange programs […]
Les séminaires d’art de l’Accademia del Giglio, école des beaux-arts à Florence, ont lieu du lundi au vendredi tant le matin que l’après-midi, soit dans notre atelier qu’en plein air, dans le rues et les places de Florence, ou même dans la campagne toscane. Chaque programme comprend 30-32 heures de cours en petits groups.
Voici […]
Learn Italian with our teachers through Skype!
This kind of courses through distance learning have been purposedly devised for those students who cannot come to Italy or for those who have attended our school and wish to go on studying Italian with their Language teachers once back in their country.
Thanks to our online courses […]
Corsi d’italiano on line/On line italian language coursesSostieni adgblogI materiali didattici di adgblog sono gratuiti (vedi il disclaimer), tuttavia per continuare a produrre sempre nuovi materiali abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto: sosteneteci con una piccola o grande donazione.
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