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Gennaio 2025

Sketchbook in Florence…

Here are a few pictures taken last week during the lessons of our Sketchbook and Landscape course in the squares and gardens of Florence. The course has been organized by Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate durante il corso di Sketchbook e paesaggismo tenutosi la scorsa settimana a Firenze e organizzato dall’Accademia del Giglio.

Italienische Sprachkurse in Florenz

Nächste italienische Sprachkurse fängen in unserer Schule am 18. und am 25. Juli 2011 an.

Diese intensive Kurse finden von Montag bis Freitag von 9.30 bis 13.30 Uhr (Intensivkurse) oder von 9.30 bis 11.30 Uhr (Standardkurse) statt. Die Kurse sind in 7 Stufen eingeteilt: Anfänger, Grundstufe 1, Grundstufe 2, Mittelstufe 1, Mittelstufe 2, Fortbildung 1 […]

Crash courses of Italian in Florence for Summer vacations!

Learning Italian in Italy!

These Summer holidays you might take advantage of a unique opportunity to learn the maximum amount of Italian in the shortest possible time. Crash courses in Italian are normally held at weekends, but can also be taken on weekdays or on different dates, for example on a series of […]

Italian language group courses at all levels next July

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on July 4th 2011 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in the heart of Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and […]

Life Drawing seminar next summer in Florence

Accademia del Giglio will organize a Life Drawing Seminar in Florence on the following dates:

June 27th – July 1st 2011 August 8th – 12th 2011

This course deals with visual understanding by direct observation of the human body and it includes the acquisition of basic notions of anatomy as well as the […]

The Watercolor workshop next summer in Florence

Next summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Watercolor Workshop in Florence in the following dates:

July 4th – 8th 2011

August 16th – 20th 2011

This course is an in-depth approach to the watercolor technique, a full immersion in the soft and delicate colors of the Florentine buildings, […]

Drawing in Florence and Tuscany: one-week Art workshop in sketchbook and landscape

Next summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Sketchbook and landscape workshop in Florence and in its surroundings on the following dates:

June 20th – 24th 2011

August 22th – 26th 2011

September 26th – 30th 2011

The Sketchbook and Landscape Workshop has been conceived for those […]

Trompe-l’oeil seminar in Florence next June

Next June Accademia del Giglio will organize a Trompe-l’oeil seminar in Florence on the following date:

June 13th – 17th 2011

This conspicuous technique originates in the 15th century from the encounter of the Italian perspective with the Flemish realistic paintings. As the meaning of the French expression clearly tells (“trompe-l’oeil”), its explicit aim […]

Vota per adgblog/Vote for adgblog è stato selezionato anche per quest’anno dal sito Lexiophiles tra i primi 200 blog di lingua del 2011. Adesso è il momento delle votazioni: potete aiutarci cliccando su questo LINK e votando per Accademia del Giglio.

Lexiophiles has selected amongst the 200 blogs in the ‘Language Teaching’ […]

Seminari d’arte: Il ritratto classico e l’autoritratto

Questo corso che si terrà dal 6 all’10 giugno 2011 presso l’AdG, si propone come uno studio intensivo del volto umano, sia attraverso la tecnica veloce dello schizzo a matita o a carboncino, sia attraverso sedute più lunghe, che affronteranno i dettagli, i contrasti di chiaro e scuro e la psicologia del viso.