El origen de la técnica del fresco puede remontarnos a 30.000 años atrás, a las pinturas rupestres que se encontraron en la cueva de Chauvet en Francia y a aquellas de las cuevas de Lascaux en Francia y Altamira en España, que pueden ser […]
Il blog ufficiale dell'Accademia Del Giglio: italiano L2/LS, attività didattiche, arte e storia dell'arte a Firenze | |
El origen de la técnica del fresco puede remontarnos a 30.000 años atrás, a las pinturas rupestres que se encontraron en la cueva de Chauvet en Francia y a aquellas de las cuevas de Lascaux en Francia y Altamira en España, que pueden ser […] Biserka Petrovic is a painter artist in Florence and is currently teaching Fine Arts in our school. Here is a brief talk with her so as to get to know her artworks and her conception of art. What sparked your interest in Art? and when did this happen? I have been drawing since I […] Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on August 2nd 2010 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in the heart of Florence.
Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency […] This summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Life Drawing Workshop in Florence on the following date: August 2nd – 6th 2010 This course deals with visual understanding by direct observation of the human body and it includes the acquisition of basic notions of anatomy as well as the methodology […] Si terrà nelle seguenti date il prossimo workshop “Sketchbook di Firenze e paesaggismo“: 26 – 30 luglio 2010 16 – 20 agosto 2010 20 – 24 settembre 2010 Si tratta di un seminario appositamente pensato per scoprire o ritrovare in una settimana la poesia e la magia di Firenze, i […] This summer Accademia del Giglio will organize 3 Sketchbook and landscape workshops in Florence and in its surroundings on the following dates: July 26th – 30th 2010 August 16th – 20th 2010 September 20th – 24th 2010 The Sketchbook and Landscape Workshop has been conceived for those students who wish to discover (or […] Nächste italienische Sprachkurse fängen in unserer Schule am 5. Juli an. Diese intensive Kurse finden von Montag bis Freitag von 9.30 bis 13.30 Uhr (Intensivkurse) oder von 9.30 bis 11.30 Uhr (Standardkurse) statt. Die Kurse sind in 7 Stufen eingeteilt: Anfänger, Grundstufe 1, Grundstufe 2, Mittelstufe 1, Mittelstufe 2, Fortbildung 1 und Fortbildung 2, dem […] Programma delle attività extradidattiche dal 7 giugno al 2 luglio 2010 Lun 7 15:00 Passeggiata culturale per Firenze. Mer 9 14:30 Storia del cinema italiano: il cinema neorealista. Mar 15 14:15 Visita alla Galleria degli Uffizi. Mer 16 14:30 Seminario di grammatica italiana: preposizioni semplici e articolate. Sab 19 08:30 Gita a Lucca. […] Les cours spécifiques qui se tiennent à l’Accademia del Giglio visent à l’acquisition d’une certaine terminologie concernant un domaine linguistique particulier. L’Accademia del Giglio organise notamment plusieurs types de cours spécifiques: Pour les affaires; Pour le tourisme; Pour la mode; Pour le droit; Traduction italien-français; Pour la préparation aux examens officiels tel que le CILS […] Accademia del Giglio bietet verschiedene Kunstkurse auch während dieses Frühlings und nächste Sommer an. Kurse in Zeichnen und Techniken der Malerei: Der Kunstkurs ist in 9 Stufen (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) eingeteilt und dauert insgesamt 9 Monate. Es ist jedoch für den Schüler möglich, an einzelnen Teilen des Kurses teilzunehmen […] |
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