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Gennaio 2025

Cours intensif de dessin et peinture à Florence

Nos prochains cours de beaux-arts commenceront le 30 mars et le 27 avril à Florence. Le cours complet, reparti en 9 unités, abordera l’apprentissage des techniques du dessein et de la peinture et visera aussi à développer les aptitudes artistiques de chaque élève. Les élèves peuvent toutefois choisir de fréquenter seulement une unité (4 semaines) […]

Italian language group courses in April 2009 at all levels

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on March 30th 2008 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. At Accademia del Giglio we […]

Se non conoscete le risposte a queste domande…

Ci sono domande a cui è difficile rispondere…

1. Perché Tarzan non ha la barba?

2. Perché premiamo più forte sui tasti del telecomando quando sappiamo che le batterie sono quasi scariche?

3. Perché le banche, pur sapendo che non ci sono più soldi, applicano una commissione extra quando il conto è in rosso?

4. […]

Intensive Courses of Drawing and Painting techniques in the week-end

These are real Art Crash courses, meant for those who have little time to concentrate on one or more artistic techniques. Very small classes or individual lessons are held both in English and in Italian over the weekends. Students can take their courses either in our Art studio or in the squares and streets of […]

Fine-settimana di disegno e pittura a Firenze

Da quest’anno l’Accademia del Giglio di Firenze organizza corsi intensivi di disegno e pittura nel weekend, di gruppo (12 ore) e individuali (6, 9 o 12 ore). I corsi di gruppo possono essere organizzati in studio o all’aperto. Il corso di tecniche di disegno e pittura in studio è pensato per tutti gli artisti che, […]

Pictures of the Bard group 2009

Here are some more pictures of the students from Bard on their last day in Florence, after attending an intensive 3-week study programme at Accademia del Giglio this January. Goodbye students and see you on Facebook!


Mille post, tanto per iniziare!

Ebbene sì, siamo al millesimo post, numero che fa sempre impressione, come la spedizione dei mille, le mille bolle blu, le mille miglia, le mille e una notte, le mille lire al mese, ecc., ma dietro questo numero se ne nascondono altri per adgblog: ad esempio i 500 lettori che seguono in media ogni giorno […]

Bard 2009: one day trip to Siena

Here are a few pictures from the excursion to Siena that students from Bard College took last Saturday. the Bard group is currently attending a 3-week Italian language and culture course at Accademia del Giglio.


Welcome back to Florence, Bard!

Bard is back to Florence at Accademia del Giglio for their Italian language and culture programme for 2009. Here are are just a few shots of the students taken on their excursion to the towns of Montepulciano, Pienza and Montalcino last Tuesday.


Portrait and self-portrait seminar in Florence

From February 2nd to 6th 2009 Accademia del Giglio, (art school in the heart of Florence, Italy) is organizing a seminar on Portrait and Self-portrait techniques. This workshop will take place in our institute and will have a duration of 5 days, from Monday to Friday, for a total amount of 30 hours of […]