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Gennaio 2025

2009: a year full of courses at AdG in Florence

2009 is approaching and Accademia del Giglio is getting ready for the new year. Let’s just have a quick look at the main courses, which will take place starting from next January untill December:

Italian language group courses. Schedule: Italian language courses take place from Monday to Friday, from 9:30am to 1:30pm (20 hours a […]

Home sweet home… in Florence

Many of our students before coming to Florence are very much concerned about the family house or the student flat where they will live during their stay in Florence. Here are some pics, which hopefully may reassure them and give them an idea idea of the accommodation that our school provides. For further information and […]

I nostri migliori Auguri/Best Wishes for 2009

Lo staff dell’Accademia del Giglio augura a tutti gli studenti presenti, passati e futuri, collaboratori e amici BUONE FESTE!

Here are our season’s greetings on video. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYBODY from Accademia del Giglio!


Student Art Exhibition at AdG on December 11th 2008

This is the video of the Art Exhibition showing the artworks of the students who attendede the Drawing and Painting courses at Accademia del Giglio in Florence during the last weeks. The artworks are portraits made during drawing classes, life drawing poses, oil paintings, pastels and a fresco. The three students showing their works are: […]

Étudiez l’italien chez l’enseignant à Florence

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un moyen d’apprentissage extremement rapide et agréable en même temps, habiter et étudier chez votre enseignant en Italie pourrait complètement satisfaire votre demande. Un séjour linguistique qui combine immersion totale et enseignement individuel qualifié est en effet le choix idéal pour ceux qui veulent exploiter efficacement leur temps. Il […]

Drawing and painting classes in Florence starting in 2009!

The first session of Art classes will start next January at Accademia del Giglio in Florence. Classes will be taught both in English and in Italian by a qualified Art teacher, in the Art studio of the school.

The complete course in Art is divided into 9 units (from unit A to unit I) and […]

2009 entry dates for Italian Language and Art Courses at Accademia del Giglio

2009 is approaching and our school calendar is ready for the next year.

Please note: the calendar below applies only to General Italian language courses for beginners as well as for General Art courses. For seminars, workshops and other classes you can refer to the relevant pages in our website.

Crash courses of Italian in Florence for Christmas vacations!

These Christmas holidays you might take advantage of a unique opportunity to learn the maximum amount of Italian in the shortest possible time. Crash courses in Italian are normally held at weekends, but can also be taken on weekdays or on different dates, for example on a series of Saturdays or Sundays, either once per […]

Année 2009: les cours de langue italienne vont commencer!

Le calendrier 2009 pour les cours de langue italienne à l’Accademia del Giglio est en ligne à la page de notre fiche d’inscription. Le cours auront lieu du lundi au vendredi, de 9.30h à 13.30h (au total: 20 heures par semaine pour les cours intensifs) ou de 9.30h à 11.20h (10 heures par semaine pour […]

Italian language group courses in December 2008 at all levels

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on December 9th 2008 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. At Accademia del Giglio we […]