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Gennaio 2025

Study Italian in the Monty Python way?

If you don’t want to study Italian in a class like the one on the following video, we suggest you come to study in Florence at Accademia del Giglio, Italian language courses in small classes, in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.


Accademia del Giglio organize intensive Italian language courses in small classes (max. 7 […]

Seminario intensivo di disegno del nudo

Dal 13 al 17 ottobre 2008, l’Accademia del Giglio, scuola di arte a Firenze, organizza il primo seminario intensivo di disegno del nudo. Il corso ha una durata totale di 30 ore distribuite tra la mattina e il pomeriggio, dal lunedì al venerdì.

Il corso ha lo scopo di sviluppare la capacità di osservazione del […]

Programma attività extra-didattiche dei corsi di luglio/agosto 2008

Da lunedì 21 luglio 2008 iniziano i nuovi corsi di lingua italiana per stranieri e i corsi di disegno e pittura presso l’Accademia del Giglio di Firenze. Ogni settimana all’Accademia del Giglio gli insegnanti stessi organizzano visite in città, escursioni per la Toscana, serate a cena o nei caffè fiorentini, lezioni di arte o di […]

Next Art Workshop and Seminars, summer-autumn 2008

Next Art Workshops and Seminars during summer and autumn 2008 offered by Accademia del Giglio, Art school in Florence:

Sketchbook in Florence and landscape August 25th – 29th 2008 The aim of the course is to help the student to create a sketchbook with unforgettable memories of the historic city and its pastoral surroundings. During […]

Video: Sketchbook of Florence and Landscape, June 2008

This is the video of the Sketchbook of Florence and Landscape workshop held last week. Next workshop will take place at the end of August with outdoor sessions of drawing and painting in Florence and in the Chianti area. A big “arrivederci” to the students who attended the workshop: Mario, Stephanie, Jennifer, Alexandra and Laura.


Specific Italian language courses in Florence

These courses aim to develop special linguistic skills and a specific terminology area. Classes are held on an individual basis (or in small groups) so the student will have lessons tailored to his/her personal language needs. The learning programme and the timetable can be fitted to the needs of the individual student. Our textbook will […]

Sketchbook and Landscape course – Pictures from the day out in the Chianti area

_____________________________________________________________ Here are a few pictures from the lesson out in the Chianti area where the group of the Sketchbook and Landscape course has taken advantage for drawing the beautiful countryside all day long. The course has been organized by Accademia del Giglio in Florence, Italy.

Alcune foto della gita nel Chianti del gruppo […]

Le projet Leonardo da Vinci en Italie

Pubblico di seguito l’articolo redatto dalla Professoressa Marie-Agnès Munsch.

Je suis Marie-Agnès, professeur d’anglais au Lycée Flora Tristan et j’ai accompagné Laetitia, Vanessa, Elodie et Amandine, quatre élèves de 1ère année Bac Pro AMA (Arts et Métiers d’Art) et Bac Pro productique en Italie pendant leur première semaine en Italie pour le projet Leonardo da […]

Italian language summer courses 2008

Still places available for the Italian language group courses for next summer 2008. Courses will take place in the morning from Monday to Friday. Our courses are aimed at improving your Italian and they are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. Non-beginner students can start their course on any Monday. It is also […]

Cours d’italien à Florence pendant tout l’été!

L’été 2008 va vite commencer et les inscriptions aux cours de langue italienne à l’Accademia del Giglio sont déjà ouvertes. Le cours auront lieu du lundi au vendredi, de 9 heures à 13 heures (au total: 20 heures par semaine pour les cours intensifs) ou de 9 heures à 11 heures (10 heures par semaine […]