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Gennaio 2025

Disegni di nudo di Hiroaki Kano

Here are some life drawings by our student, Hiroaki Kano, currently attending our Long term academic course of Visual Arts in Accademia del Giglio. Hiroaki has been using several techniques, such as pencil, charcoal, sanquine and ink.

Ecco alcuni disegno di nudo del nostro studente, Hiroaki Kano, che attualmente sta frequentando il corso biennale di […]

Seminario di disegno a sanguigna e altre tecniche classiche

Disegno a carboncino di Hiroaki Kano

Un seminario intensivo di disegno a sanguigna e altre tecniche classiche si terrà presso l’Accademia del Giglio di Firenze nelle seguenti date:

May 9th – 13th 2011 July 11th – 15th 2011

Si tratterà di una full-immersion nell’antica tecnica della sanguigna e del carboncino, per […]

Classical drawing techniques workhop next summer in Florence

Here are the dates of the sanguine drawing and other classical techniques workhop that Accademia del Giglio will organize in the heart of Florence this spring and next summer:

May 9th – 13th 2011 July 11th – 15th 2011

A full immersion in the ancient technique of sanguine and charcoal, […]

Long term academic course of Visual Arts

The entire course has an overall duration of 2 academic years (72 weeks), during which students will approach, learn and practice the different techniques for drawing, painting, art graphics, illustration and comics. Every year students will thoroughly attend 504 hours of tuition.

AdG school created a two-year study programme whose aim is to provide the […]

Corso di disegno del nudo e seminari intensivi 2010-2011

Il corso di nudo si svolge di norma il mercoledì dalle 14:0 alle 17.30, presso l’Accademia del Giglio di Firenze, si rivolge a studenti stranieri ed italiani e può essere combinato con il normale corso d’arte pomeridiano. La lezione, di tre ore e mezzo, prevede due ore di seduta con un modello o una modella […]

Life Drawing seminar next winter in Florence

Accademia del Giglio will organize a Life Drawing Seminars in Florence on the following dates:

8 – 12 November 2010 7 – 11 March 2011 2 – 6 May 2011

This course deals with visual understanding by direct observation of the human body and it includes the acquisition of basic notions of anatomy as well […]

Long term academic course of Visual Arts

The entire course has an overall duration of 2 academic years (72 weeks), during which students will approach, learn and practice the different techniques for drawing, painting, art graphics, illustration and comics. Every year students will thoroughly attend 504 hours of tuition.

AdG school created a two-year study programme whose aim is to provide the […]

Curso bienal de técnicas artísticas en Florencia

El curso bienal de técnicas artísticas tiene una duración de 2 años durante los cuales los estudiantes aprenderán todas las técnicas clásicas de base y avanzadas de diseño y pintura. […]

Seminario intensivo de Xilografía

Siendo la xilografía la primera técnica de incisión (creada en China alrededor del Siglo VI), y sin tener necesidad de usar ácido sino solamente gubias para realizarla, se considera la primera técnica gráfica para aprender.

El curso de 30 horas totales iniciará con la visualización de diferentes trabajos hechos con xilografía/linoleografía, y explicaciones de los […]

Myartspace: 2010 cash scholarship competition for students

Myartspace launches 2010 cash scholarship competitionfor graduate and undergraduate students., the premier online venue for contemporary art, is offering significant cash scholarship awards to talented art students around the world. Palo Alto, CA — MYARTSPACE, the premiere online venue for contemporary art, is launching their 2nd annual art scholarship competition, with $16,000 in CASH […]