Se non si ha la possibilità di iscriversi a un corso di arte, come quelli che teniamo all’Accademia del Giglio, è possibile provare le proprie capacità artistiche anche sulla rete attraverso alcuni siti che permettono di creare delle opere d’arte.
Il disegno (capolavoro!) che correda questo post l’ho fatto con il mio mouse su MrPicassoHead: […]
Accademia del Giglio bietet verschiedene Kunstkurse auch während dieses Frühlings und nächste Sommer an.
Kurse in Zeichnen und Techniken der Malerei: Der Kunstkurs ist in 9 Stufen (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) eingeteilt und dauert insgesamt 9 Monate. Es ist jedoch für den Schüler möglich, an einzelnen Teilen des Kurses teilzunehmen […]
The third intensive Art workshop that Accademia del Giglio offers next summer approaches the main sanguine drawing and classical techniques.
A full immersion in the ancient technique of sanguine and charcoal, a voyage of discovery of the renaissance drawing, from Botticelli to Leonardo, from Michelangelo to Raffaello.
The natural sanguine chalk originally comes from some […]
This is the video of the Art Exhibition showing the artworks of the students who are currently attending the Drawing and Painting courses at Accademia del Giglio in Florence. The artworks are mainly portraits made during drawing classes and life drawing poses. There are also a few oil paintings and pastels.
Il video della mostra […]
The second intensive Art workshop that Accademia del Giglio offers next summer approaches the main Portrait techniques.
This course is mainly an intensive study of the physiognomy. Through making rapid strokes in pencil (or charcoal) students will learn how to portray the essential features of a human face, and through more elaborate drawings they will […]
The first intensive Art workshop Accademia del Giglio offers next summer deals with sketchbook and landscape. The workshop has been conceived for those students who wish to discover (or rediscover) in a week the poetry and the magic of Florence, with its renaissance buildings and its skyline dominated by the enthralling cathedral dome, as well […]
Ci sono collezionisti di qualsiasi cosa in giro per il mondo e internet è diventato il mezzo migliore per poter scambiare e acquistare oggetti. Una delle collezioni più inusuali, che conta però numerosi adepti, è quella delle bustine di zucchero. Una semplice ricerca su google vi darà un sacco di risultati: Sara, ad esempio, ha […]
Art classes are starting again soon at Accademia del Giglio in the centre of Florence. From January 7th drawing and painting techniques will be taught both in English and in Italian by the Art teacher Gianparide Moretti, in the Art studio of the school.
The complete course in Art is divided into 9 units […]
The next Italian language group courses will be held at AdG school from November 12th 2007 to December 7th. On the coming December classes will on the contrary take place on a two-week basis, that is from December 10th to 21st. Individual courses are always available on demand also during Christmas vacations (except obviously bank […]
As you can see from the pictures shown in the mosaic below, Accademia del Giglio School in Florence, Italy, offers the following courses in Art: Drawing and Painting classes: pencil, graphite, charcoal, pastel, oil, watercolour, acrilic; Fresco workshops; Life Drawing courses; Intensive Art Seminars in Life Drawing, Portrait and Selfportrait, Combined Art Workshop and a […]
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