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Febbraio 2025

Une semaine à Florence: séminaires de dessin et peinture pendant l’été 2013

Pendant l’été l’école de beaux-arts Accademia del Giglio de Florence, organise plusieurs séminaires d’art sur une base hebdomadaire. Ces cours-ci ont lieu du lundi au vendredi tant le matin que l’après-midi, soit dans l’atelier qu’en plein air, dans le rues et les places de Florence, ou même dans la campagne toscane.

Chaque programme, organisé par […]

Seminari di arte a Firenze: luglio, agosto e settembre 2013

Ecco la lista mese per mese di tutti i seminari intensivi di disegno e tecniche pittoriche, che potrete frequentare all’Accademia del Giglio questa estate.

Seminari d’arte – 2013

Luglio 1 – 5 luglio Nudo artistico 8 – 12 luglio Sanguigna, carboncino e altre tecniche classiche di disegno 15 […]

Sanguine and charcoal drawing workshop in Florence

Leonardo da Vinci – Sanguine Self Portrait

Next Spring and Summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Sanguine and charcoal drawing workshop in Florence on the following dates:

July 8th – 12th 2013 August 12th – 16th 2013 September 30th – October 4th 2013

A full immersion in the […]

Séminaires de beaux-arts intensifs – Été 2013

Les séminaires d’art de l’Accademia del Giglio, école des beaux-arts à Florence, ont lieu du lundi au vendredi tant le matin que l’après-midi, soit dans notre atelier qu’en plein air, dans le rues et les places de Florence, ou même dans la campagne toscane. Chaque programme comprend 30-32 heures de cours en petits groups.

Voici […]

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, May 2013

Here are a few pictures taken during our May 2013 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

The AdG Art Studio in May 2013


Drawing and Painting techniques: a still life



Sketchbook in Florence and Landscape: Drawing and Painting Art Workshops 2013

Sketching in the Tuscan countryside

This summer Accademia del Giglio will organize 3 Sketchbook and landscape workshops in Florence and in its surroundings on the following dates:

June 24th – 28th 2013

July 29th – August 2nd 2013

September 2nd – 6th 2013

The Sketchbook and Landscape Workshop has been conceived for […]

Life-drawing in Florence – Summer workshops 2013

Next Spring and Summer Accademia del Giglio will organize Life-drawing workshops on the following dates:

July 1st – 5th 2013 August 19th – 23rd 2013

An in-deep study of the human body.

This course deals with visual understanding by direct observation of the human body and it includes the acquisition of basic notions of […]

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, March 2013

Here are a few pictures taken during our March 2013 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.



Le opere degli studenti di AdG: mostra d’arte per i 18 anni di Accademia del Giglio

Alcune foto delle opere degli studenti dei corsi di disegno e pittura dell’Accademia del Giglio presentate ieri in occasione della mostra per i 18 anni della scuola. La mostra resterà aperta presso la sede di via Ghibellina 116 a Firenze, fino al 15/03/2013, dal lunedì al venerdì in orario 9:00 – 17:00. Per informazioni […]

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, November 2012

Here are a few pictures taken during our November 2012 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate durante i corsi di disegno e pittura a novembre 2012 all’Accademia del Giglio.


