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Gennaio 2025

Workshop di pittura da fotografia

Accademia del Giglio di Firenze è lieta di presentare il suo nuovo workshop intensivo di:

Pittura da fotografia

Prendi le tue foto preferite e trasformale in un quadro! Un seminario intensivo per imparare a trasformare le fotografie in disegni o dipinti.

Si studierà come ritrarre persone e animali e come […]

Paint a portrait from your favourite picture

Accademia del Giglio, Drawing and Painting School in Florence is happy to introduce you its brand new Art Workshop:

Drawing and Painting from a photo

This seminar will teach you how to create a painting or a drawing out of a photograph. You will learn the secrets for portraying people […]

Pics from our Life drawing class, January 2014

Here are some pictures taken during our last Life Drawing class, which took place last Wednesday in our Art studio in the heart of Florence. Life Drawing classes normally take place once a week on Tuesday or on Wednesday from 2pm tp 5.30pm.

Intensive workshops of Life Drawing (30 hours in 5 days) will be […]

Trompe-l’oeil seminars in Florence in 2014

This year Accademia del Giglio will organize Trompe-l’oeil seminars in Florence on the following dates:

January 13th – 17th 2014 April 14th – 18th 2014 June 23rd – 27th 2014 July 21st – 25th 2014 September 22nd – 26th settembre 2014 November 10th – 14th 2014

Pics from our Art in the museums seminar

Here are some pictures taken during our last Art in the museums seminar, which took place last December in front of some of the most enchanting monuments and masterpieces of the Florentine museums, not far from Accademia del Giglio. The next workshops of Drawing and Painting in the museums of Florence will be held in […]

Sculpture workshop in Florence next summer

Accademia del Giglio, (Art school in the heart of Florence, Italy) is organizing next summer two seminars on Sculpture techniques on the following dates:

June 9th – 13th 2014 August 4th – 8th 2014

This is an intensive in-depth study of the main techniques of sculpture with clay: 30 hours of tuition in 5 […]

Fresco seminars in Florence in 2014

Intensive Fresco Seminars will take place at Accademia del Giglio in Florence next fall and winter and will have a duration of 5 days, from Monday to Friday, for a total amount of 30 hours of tuition. Workshops will be held on the following dates:

February 10th – 14th 2014 April 7th […]

Giardino d’inverno, l’economia del dono / Winter Garden, The Gift Economy: la nuova mostra di Dryphoto a Prato

Sabato 14 dicembre 2013 dalle 19:00 alle 22:00, Dryphoto arte contemporanea, in via delle Segherie 33a, Prato, presenta la mostra collettiva:

Giardino d’inverno – l’economia del dono / Winter Garden – The Gift Economy.

Giardino Melampo – Dryphoto

Parteciperanno Andrea Abati, Chiara Bettazzi, Stella Carbone, Luca Carradori, Leone Contini, Raffaele Di […]

Italiano con la storia dell’arte: Giambologna


Un altro artista, di origine fiamminga ma fiorentino di adozione, di cui si possono vedere molti suoi lavori a Firenze è Giambologna. Con questo testo scoprirete chi era e cosa ha fatto e vi verrà probabilmente voglia di vedere le sue sculture con i vostri occhi. In fondo al testo ci sono […]

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, November 2013/Foto dallo studio di AdG

Here are a few more pictures taken during our November 2013 Art classes and Art workshops at Accademia del Giglio.

Portrait and Selfportrait seminars, Lifedrawing, Fresco and Sanguine and Charcoal Workshops all year round for all levels. Classes are held in English and Italian.

