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Gennaio 2025

Instagram pictures from the ADG Art studio, August 2012

Here are a few Instagram pictures taken during our August 2012 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate con Instagram durante i corsi di disegno e pittura ad agosto 2012 all’Accademia del Giglio.



Diseño y pintura: paisaje, naturaleza y mar

Diseño y pintura en el corazón de Florencia, en la campiña toscana, en un oasis de naturaleza y en el mar.

Este taller se ha hecho pensando en los estudiantes que desean retratar al aire libre los monumentos de Florencia, la fascinante campiña toscana (que vió nacer a Leonardo da Vinci), la belleza y […]

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, July 2012

Here are a few pictures taken during our July 2012 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate durante i corsi di disegno e pittura a luglio 2012 all’Accademia del Giglio.

Drawing class – Still life


Still life



Art Workshops/Séminaires de beaux-arts/Talleres de arte – Florence August + September 2012

Portrait by Orna Orel

Art Workshops at Accademia del Giglio: August and September 2012.

Séminaires de beaux-arts intensifs – Été 2012

Talleres de arte veraniegos 2012

August/Aôut/Agosto 6 – 10 Trompe l’oeil 13 – 17 Sketchbook – Florence en plein air – Sketchbook de Florencia y paisajismo en Toscana 20 – 24 Portrait […]

Pics from the Lifedrawing Workshop at AdG – July 2012

July 2012: some pictures from our Lifedrawing Workshop.

Lifedrawing in the studio



Art classes: Drawing and Painting techniques in Florence

Study Drawing and Painting techniques in Florence.

The complete course in Art is divided into 9 units (from unit A to unit I) and lasts 9 months. Students are however welcome to attend specific parts of the course.

All of our teachers are highly qualified and experts in the various disciplines and techniques such as […]

Pics from our Fresco classes

June 2012: some pictures from our Fresco classes.


Draw and paint: Landscape, wildlife and marine

Draw and paint in the heart of Florence, in the Tuscan countryside, in a wildlife reserve and in front of the sea.This workshop has been conceived for those students who want to draw and/or paint outdoors the monuments of Florence, the enthralling charm of the Tuscan countryside (where Leonardo da Vinci was born), the natural […]

Preparatory course for Applicants to the Italian Fine Arts Academies

Registration is open to join the Preparatory course for applicants to the Italian Fine Arts Academies organized by Accademia del Giglio in Florence, Art and Italian language school.

Accademia del Giglio has a very successful track record as the organiser of training courses aimed to help Italian and foreign students who take the Admission Exam […]

Pics from the Art studio: portrait, selfportrait, fresco and more

Here are a few pictures taken during our Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate durante i corsi di disegno e pittura dell’Accademia del Giglio.




