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Gennaio 2025

The Watercolor workshop next summer in Florence

Next summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Watercolor Workshop in Florence in the following dates:

July 4th – 8th 2011

August 16th – 20th 2011

This course is an in-depth approach to the watercolor technique, a full immersion in the soft and delicate colors of the Florentine buildings, […]

Concorso di Pittura Estemporanea , 11 giugno 2011 a Montefioralle

In occasione della manifestazione Classico E’ , l’azienda agricola Montefioralle organizza un concorso di pittura estemporanea.

Al concorso possono partecipare artisti italiani e stranieri di qualsiasi tendenza artistica e tecnica.

L’evento si svolgerà l’11 Giugno 2011. L’inizio è previsto alle ore 9.30 presso il podere dell’azienda, nei pressi del borgo medievale di Montefioralle con la […]

Drawing in Florence and Tuscany: one-week Art workshop in sketchbook and landscape

Next summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Sketchbook and landscape workshop in Florence and in its surroundings on the following dates:

June 20th – 24th 2011

August 22th – 26th 2011

September 26th – 30th 2011

The Sketchbook and Landscape Workshop has been conceived for those […]

Montefioralle Extemporary Painting Contest June 11th, 2011

Vineyards in Montefioralle, by Liliana Grassi

On the occasion of the event Classico E’ , Azienda Agricola Montefioralle organizes an extemporary painting competition.

Italian and foreign artists of every tendency or technique can take part into the competition.

The contest will take place on June, 11th 2011 from 9.30 am to 6.30 pm […]

Trompe-l’oeil seminar in Florence next June

Next June Accademia del Giglio will organize a Trompe-l’oeil seminar in Florence on the following date:

June 13th – 17th 2011

This conspicuous technique originates in the 15th century from the encounter of the Italian perspective with the Flemish realistic paintings. As the meaning of the French expression clearly tells (“trompe-l’oeil”), its explicit aim […]

Seminari d’arte: Il ritratto classico e l’autoritratto

Questo corso che si terrà dal 6 all’10 giugno 2011 presso l’AdG, si propone come uno studio intensivo del volto umano, sia attraverso la tecnica veloce dello schizzo a matita o a carboncino, sia attraverso sedute più lunghe, che affronteranno i dettagli, i contrasti di chiaro e scuro e la psicologia del viso.

Trompe-l’oeil seminario en Florencia

Seminario de Trompe l’oeil

El trompe l’oeil nace del encuentro entre la prospectiva italiana del siglo XV y la pintura flaminga realista con la finalidad de “engañar el ojo” del observador.

Los objetos cotidianos colocados sobre una mesa o sobre un estante realizado en la pared fueron los primeros en ser representados como trompe […]

Trompe-l’oeil seminar in Florence

Next January Accademia del Giglio will organize a Trompe-l’oeil seminar in Florence on the following date:

January 24th – 28th 2011

This conspicuous technique originates in the 15th century from the encounter of the Italian perspective with the Flemish realistic paintings. As the meaning of the French expression clearly tells (“trompe-l’oeil”), its explicit aim […]

Long term academic course of Visual Arts

The entire course has an overall duration of 2 academic years (72 weeks), during which students will approach, learn and practice the different techniques for drawing, painting, art graphics, illustration and comics. Every year students will thoroughly attend 504 hours of tuition.

AdG school created a two-year study programme whose aim is to provide the […]

The intensive Fresco Seminar in Florence: November 29th – December 3rd 2010

The intensive Fresco Seminar: This workshop will take place in our Accademia in Florence and will have a duration of 5 days, from Monday to Friday, for a total amount of 30 hours of tuition. Next workshop will take place on November 29th – December 3rd 2010.

The teacher will guide […]