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Gennaio 2025

Talleres intensivos de arte en Florencia – Verano 2014

Durante el verano 2014 Accademia del Giglio organiza seminarios y talleres de arte intensivos con una duración de una semana.

Pulsando en el link encontrarán información detallada realativa a los cursos: fechas, horarios, precios y modalidad de inscripción.

Sketchbook de Florencia y paisajismo Un curso para descubrir y reencontrar la poesia y la magia […]

A day at the seaside drawing and painting in Italy

During the year students are given the opportunity to take part to some special art sessions in front of the sea on the beautiful coast of Tuscany.


Caravaggio e i caravaggeschi: la pittura di realtà in mostra a Novara

Riceviamo e diffondiamo la notizia dell’apertura di questa esposizione:

Dal 31 maggio al Broletto: al centro l’Ecce homo di Genova e due tele di Tanzio da Varallo (catalogo Interlinea e ingresso gratuito)


Paint a portrait from your favourite picture

Accademia del Giglio, Drawing and Painting School in Florence is happy to introduce you its brand new Art Workshop:

Drawing and Painting from a photo

This seminar will teach you how to create a painting or a drawing out of a photograph. You will learn the secrets for portraying people or animals or […]

Trompe-l’oeil seminars in Florence

Accademia del Giglio will organize Trompe-l’oeil seminars in Florence on the following dates:


Drawing and painting in the museums of Florence

Draw and paint some of the masterpieces of the Italian art inside the museums.

This is a unique seminar that will allow you to spend several hours in the company of the most renowned works of art on display in the major museums of Florence. You will have the extraordinary opportunity of admiring […]

More pictures from the ADG Art studio, April 2014

Pictures taken during our April 2014 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate durante i corsi d’arte di Accademia del Giglio.



Pictures from the ADG Art studio, April 2014

Here are a few pictures taken during our April 2014 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate durante i corsi d’arte di Accademia del Giglio.



Fresco lecture – Dimostrazione della tecnica dell’affresco

A few pictures taken from our 2-hour Lecture on the Fresco technique followed by some practice on a fresco sample. More info on the adg website.

Foto scattate durante la lezione specialistica di 2 ore sulla tecnica dell’affresco: storia, teoria e pratica. Maggiori informazioni sul sito di adg.


Portrait & Self-portrait/Ritratto e autoritratto Workshop – Summer/Estate 2014

I do not paint a portrait to look like the subject, rather does the person grow to look like his portrait. (Salvador Dalí)

Next Summer 2014 Accademia del Giglio will organize three Portrait and Self-portrait Workshops in Florence on the following dates:

June 16th – 20th 2014 July 14th – 18th 2014 September […]