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Gennaio 2025

I want to ride my bicycle

If you plan to live and study in Florence for a long period it may be useful to know that a cheap and convenient mean of transportation is the bike. Yes, I know what you are thinking: “but where can I get a bike in Florence?”. You can either rent it or buy it, of […]

New video: from station to school

This video shows how to reach the Accademia del Giglio school located in via Ghibellina 116, Florence, Italy. As you can see the school has its premises in the very centre of Florence, 15 minutes’ walk from Santa Maria Novella railway station and very close to the Duomo and the Palazzo Vecchio. AdG is in […]

Lo stile Liberty a Firenze (1)

Firenze, si sa, è nota in tutto il mondo per i suoi bellissimi palazzi rinascimentali e medievali che grazie all’ottimo stato di conservazione consentono ai turisti che ogni anno vengono a visitare la città di rivivere il fasto della corte dei Granduchi che si sono avvicendati a governare la città. Potrebbe essere, tuttavia, interessante conoscere […]

A come… Alluvione, Angeli del fango, Arte.

Quanti amano Firenze e le sono legati non possono evitare di ricordare una data che è e rimarrà scritta in modo indelebile nella storia di questa città: il 4 novembre 1966. Si tratta di un giorno drammatico che ha segnato la storia non solo della città del giglio e del suo immenso patrimonio, ma anche […]

Live webcams on Florence

If you want to “visit” Florence with a webcam or if you want to see from your pc what is the weather like in Florence you will find two sites where you can see the town live. The oldest webcam of Florence, from the the top of the cathedral (the Duomo) is still not working […]

The Santa Maria Novella’s Cloisters

Some weeks ago in a nice sunny day I decided to visit the Santa Maria Novella’s cloisters. It was a long time since I last went there and it was so pleasant to find the same peacefulness and tranquillity as I remembered. There are three cloisters inside Santa Maria Novella, but it is possible […]

Chi ha paura del serpente degli Orti del Parnaso?

Se una mattina, andando verso Roma in treno, vi accadesse di guardare dal finestrino e di vedere un grosso, enorme serpente scendere giù con la bocca spalancata per il terreno in discesa in mezzo alla città, non pensiate di essere preda di un incubo ad occhi aperti o di trovarvi sul set dell’ultimo colossal americano […]

Les parfums du passé

Est-ce que vous êtes à Florence ou vous avez décidé d’y venir? Aimez-vous les parfums? Alors vous ne pouvez manquer de visiter l’une de plus anciennes pharmacies du monde, l’Officina Farmaceutica de Santa Maria Novella. Fondée officiellement par le grand-duc de Toscane en 1612, elle à été liée à l’établissement des moines dominicains à Florence […]

The Apoxiòmenos

Last Saturday evening the courtyard of Palazzo Medici Riccardi was packed: many people gathered there to admire for the first time the Apoxiòmenos of Losinj (Croatia), a bronze statue supposed to be a copy of one of Lysippus works. The statue’s history is extremely fascinating: the ancient bronze statue Apoxyomenos, the figure of a […]

An armoury collection in a romantic park

If you you want to spend a different afternoon in Florence in a romantic 19th Century park, with tree-lined boulevards, and if you like armoury and art you should go to the Stibbert Museum. Frederick Stibbert (1838-1906) was born in Florence but was educated in Britain. After the death of his father, an English colonel, […]