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Gennaio 2025

Marea Festival 2007 a Fucecchio

Marea Festival è uno dei più importanti eventi musicali estivi toscani. Il festival si svolgerà anche quest’anno a Fucecchio nella suggestiva cornice dei diecimila mq di spazio all’aperto dell’ex-buca d’Andrea, dal 20 giugno al 1 luglio 2007. Si tratta di una manifestazione rivolta principalmente ai giovani, che prevede concerti, eventi teatrali, mostre, dibattiti, sport: il […]

The Medicis dynasty: Cosimo II

Cosimo II de’ Medici was born in Florence in 1590, he became Grand Duke of Tuscany in 1609 and he ruled until he died (1621). He was the eldest son of Ferdinando I and Chrisitne of Lorraine, who arranged for him a rather modern education: the young Cosimo studied actually the new sciences with one […]

Il convento di Monte Senario

Monte Senario, o Monte Asinario, perché percorribile solo con gli asini, o, ancora, Monte Sonaio, perché si dice sia sonoro e a percuoterne il suolo cavernoso sia possibile udire provenirne un’eco… Si racconta che il 31 maggio del 1234 i Sette Padri Fondatori dell’ordine dei Servi di Maria salirono al Monte Senario per ritirarsi in […]

The marvellous Villa at Artimino

Situated in front of the charming little village of Artimino the marvellous Villa lies on a hill overlooking the entire plane of Florence and Prato. The villa was commissioned by Ferdinando I to the Tuscan architect Buontalenti and built between 1596 and 1600. It is said that Ferdinando I, during a hunting party was fascinated […]

Arezzo, Sansepolcro, Monterchi: i luoghi di Piero

Si avvicina Pasqua e, come tutti gli anni, si pone il “problema” della gita fuori porta tipica del lunedì di Pasqua. Gli Italiani di solito amano andare a passare la “Pasquetta” in qualche città d’arte o preferibilmente in campagna, visto che in questo periodo si sta bene fuori e la campagna appare bella e profumata […]

From Florence to Arezzo: a low-cost one-day trip

Arezzo is a lovely medieval town about 50 miles from Florence. Teachers from AdG school often organizes one-day trips to Arezzo for their students. You can easily get to Arezzo. Trains run very often and are quite cheap (10.40 Euro one-day return trip), if you except the Intercity trains, which run faster (30 minutes’ […]

¡Tiempo De Carnaval!

Ha llegado el tiempo del Carnaval, si, visto que el 21 de Febrero celebraremos el miércoles de ceniza… día que nos anuncia el inicio de la Cuaresma, que se concluirá 40 días más tarde con la Pascua y para prepararnos a esos días de “reconciliación”, nada mejor que un buen Carnaval… tiempo para disfrutar, bromear, […]

From Florence to Pisa: a low-cost one-day trip

Everybody knows Pisa for its leaning tower, a sort of symbol of Italy. If you are in Florence as a student or just as a holidaymaker you should dedicate at least one day to discover the old maritime republic of Pisa. By train it will only take you one hour roughly and for one-day […]

Video: Bard College students in Siena

On Saturday 20th 2007 Bard college students went for their third one-day trip to Siena with Lorenzo and Roberto, their teachers of Accademia del Giglio. This is the video of this excursion, the third one of a series regarding the Bard group at ADG in 2007. We reached Siena by train and we spent the […]

Video: Bard College students in Lucca

On Saturday 13th 2007 Bard college students went for a one-day trip to Lucca with Lorenzo and Roberto, their teachers of Accademia del Giglio. This is the video of this excursion, the second one of a series regarding the Bard group at ADG in 2007. We reached Lucca by train and we spent the day […]