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Gennaio 2025

Art classes: Drawing and Painting techniques in Florence

The Art class

Study Drawing and Painting techniques in Florence.

The complete course in Art is divided into 9 units (from unit A to unit I) and lasts 9 months. Students are however welcome to attend specific parts of the course.

All of our teachers are highly qualified and experts in the various […]

Cursos de italiano para extranjeros en Florencia

Se encuentran abiertas las inscripciones a los cursos de italiano para extranjeros del invierno y de la primavera 2013. Las fechas de inicio para los principiantes son las siguientes:

2013 7 enero 4 febrero 4 marzo 2 y 29 abril 6 mayo 3 junio

Los cursos de lengua italiana se llevan a cabo de lunes […]

Italian language group courses at all levels next January

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on January 7h 2013 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in the heart of Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. At […]

Art history course in December: the Renaissance in Florence

Florence is an open-air museum and as such it should be explored by our students with the help of teachers and guides. This 16-hour course is meant to be a journey of rediscovery of the visual arts which flourished in Tuscany in the Renaissance period, as well as a “hands-on” approach to the work of […]

Borse di studio per corsi d’italiano inverno 2013

AdG T-shirt

Per celebrare i suoi diciotto anni l’Accademia del Giglio mette a disposizione quest’inverno 2 borse di studio per i corsi di lingua italiana per stranieri, alle seguenti condizioni:

le borse sono disponibili per i corsi di lingua italiana intensivi (20 ore a settimana) in classi piccole (max. 7 studenti per classe); […]

Scholarships for Italian Language courses in the winter

To celebrate its 18 years Accademia del Giglio is offering for the next winter 2 scholarships to study Italian as a Foreign Language in Florence in its premises. Applicants must comply with the following terms and conditions:

scholarships are available only for a 4-week Italian Language course (20 hours per week) in small classes (maximum […]

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, November 2012

Here are a few pictures taken during our November 2012 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate durante i corsi di disegno e pittura a novembre 2012 all’Accademia del Giglio.




Painting decoration workshop next spring and summer in Florence

Malachite effect

Accademia del Giglio, (Art school in the heart of Florence, Italy) is organizing next spring and summer three seminars on decoration techniques on the following dates:

May 6th – 10th 2013 July 22nd – 26th 2013 September 23rd – 27th 2013

This intensive seminar is aiming at unveiling to the students […]

12 comuni errori di grammatica tra gli studenti di italiano L2/LS

12 errori comuni di grammatica L2

Questa è una serie di errori ricorrenti tra gli studenti di italiano L2/LS dei nostri corsi. La lista oltre a essere divertente per gli addetti ai lavori, dovrebbe essere utile anche agli studenti. Se volete aggiungerne altri, i commenti sono aperti.

1. Ho fatto solo qualche errori.

Errore: qualche libri, qualche studenti, qualche volte, […]

Sculpture workshop in Florence next summer

Sample of bas-relief

Accademia del Giglio, (Art school in the heart of Florence, Italy) is organizing next summer two seminars on Sculpture techniques on the following dates:

June 10th – 14th 2013 August 26th – 30th 2013

This is an intensive in-depth study of the main techniques of sculpture with clay: 30 hours […]