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Gennaio 2025

All pics of our Art courses and workshops


The Sketchbook and Landscape course: pics of the students from the St. Andrew’s School (South Africa) The Sketchbook and Landscape course: pics from the day out in the Chianti area. St. Andrew’s School (South Africa) Pics from the Art class/Foto della classe d’arte AdG Art studio: December pics May 2010: Art studio […]

Instagram pictures from the ADG Art studio, August 2012

Here are a few Instagram pictures taken during our August 2012 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate con Instagram durante i corsi di disegno e pittura ad agosto 2012 all’Accademia del Giglio.



Italian language group courses at all levels next September

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on September 17th 2012 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in the heart of Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. At […]

Diseño y pintura: paisaje, naturaleza y mar

Diseño y pintura en el corazón de Florencia, en la campiña toscana, en un oasis de naturaleza y en el mar.

Este taller se ha hecho pensando en los estudiantes que desean retratar al aire libre los monumentos de Florencia, la fascinante campiña toscana (que vió nacer a Leonardo da Vinci), la belleza y […]

Kunstkurse in Florenz: Zeichen und Malerei

Accademia del Giglio bietet verschiedene Kunstkurse auch während diserer Sommer und im nächsten Herbst an.

Kurse in Zeichnen und Techniken der Malerei: Der Kunstkurs ist in 9 Stufen (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) eingeteilt und dauert insgesamt 9 Monate. Es ist jedoch für den Schüler möglich, an einzelnen Teilen des Kurses […]

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, July 2012

Here are a few pictures taken during our July 2012 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate durante i corsi di disegno e pittura a luglio 2012 all’Accademia del Giglio.

Drawing class – Still life


Still life



Cooking classes in Florence with an AdG course.

At Accademia del Giglio you can combine your Italian Language or Art classes with cooking lessons to discover the secrets behind Italian and Tuscan cuisine in a hands-on class where you are the cook.

It is possible to learn how to make some of the most famous Italian dishes such as lasagne, tiramisù, traditional […]

Art Workshops/Séminaires de beaux-arts/Talleres de arte – Florence August + September 2012

Portrait by Orna Orel

Art Workshops at Accademia del Giglio: August and September 2012.

Séminaires de beaux-arts intensifs – Été 2012

Talleres de arte veraniegos 2012

August/Aôut/Agosto 6 – 10 Trompe l’oeil 13 – 17 Sketchbook – Florence en plein air – Sketchbook de Florencia y paisajismo en Toscana 20 – 24 Portrait […]

Pics from the Lifedrawing Workshop at AdG – July 2012

July 2012: some pictures from our Lifedrawing Workshop.

Lifedrawing in the studio



Cours de langue italienne à Florence

Les inscriptions pour les cours de langue italienne de cet été 2012 sont ouvertes. Les dates de début des cours sont les suivantes:

16 juillet 6 août 13 août 27 août

Les cours de langue auront lieu du lundi au vendredi, normalement de 9h30 à 13h30 (cours intensif, au total: 20 […]