Now you can study Italian at your place with the Accademia del Giglio online courses in Italian language. These courses are perfect for those students who are not able to come to Italy and for those who have already attended Italian classes in our school and wish to go on with their language studies after […]
Ecco la lista mese per mese di tutti i seminari intensivi di disegno e tecniche pittoriche, che potrete frequentare all’Accademia del Giglio la prossima primavera e la prossima estate Seminari d’arte – 2012
Aprile 30 Aprile 30 – 4 Maggio Sketchbook di Firenze e paesaggismo
Maggio 7 – 11 maggio Disegno del nudo 14 – […]
Here are the dates of all the Art seminars that are offered at AdG in 2012.
Workshops in 2012
April April 30 – May 4 Sketchbook and landscape
May May 7 – 11 Life Drawing May 14 – 18 Sanguine and Charcoal May 21- 25 Portrait & Selfportrait May 28 – June 1 Watercolor
Tempera painting
The entire course has an overall duration of 2 academic years (72 weeks), during which students will approach, learn and practice the different techniques for drawing, painting, art graphics, illustration and comics. Every year students will thoroughly attend 504 hours of tuition.
AdG school created a two-year study programme whose aim […]
Here are a few pictures taken this November during our Art classes. The courses have been organized by Accademia del Giglio.
Alcune foto scattate a novembre durante i corsi di disegno e pittura che si tengono presso l’Accademia del Giglio.
Art class
These Christmas holidays you might take advantage of a unique opportunity to learn as much Italian as possible in a short time.
Crash courses in Italian are normally held at weekends, but can also be taken on weekdays or on different dates, for example on a series of Saturdays or Sundays, either once per week […]
Vi proponiamo questa raccolta di lezioni, attività didattiche ed esercizi studiati per approfondire la conoscenza dell’italiano specialistico. Queste attività sono state sviluppate e testate dagli insegnanti dei corsi di italiano per stranieri dell’Accademia del Giglio, scuola di lingua italiana e arte a Firenze.
L’italiano con il calcio
– Il vocabolario di base – I ruoli […]
This programme will on January 9th January 2012 at AdG and it will combine Italian Language studies, Fine Arts studies, Art History:
From beginner to advanced, according to the European Language Portfolio.
24 weeks, 2 hours a day, in the morning, from 9.30am to 11.30am, Monday – Friday
Total […]
From December 12th to 16th 2011 Accademia del Giglio, (Art school in the heart of Florence, Italy) is organizing a seminar on Portrait and Self-portrait techniques. This workshop will take place in our institute and will have a duration of 5 days, from Monday to Friday, for a total amount of 30 […]
Life Drawing
Accademia del Giglio will organize a Life Drawing Seminar in Florence on the following date:
December 5th – 9th 2011
This course deals with visual understanding by direct observation of the human body and it includes the acquisition of basic notions of anatomy as well as the methodology used […]
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