Next summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Life Drawing Workshop in Florence on the following dates:
June 21st – 25th 2010 August 2nd – 6th 2010
This course deals with visual understanding by direct observation of the human body and it includes the acquisition of basic notions of anatomy as well as the […]
Tecniche di disegno e pittura in studio
Un corso super-intensivo pensato per tutti gli artisti che, con poco tempo a disposizione, vogliano immergersi per un fine-settimana nell’atmosfera artistica fiorentina, disegnando e dipingendo insieme ad altri artisti sotto l’attenta guida di un esperto Maestro d’arte.
Durante questo corso gli studenti potranno provare tecniche pittoriche e di […]
This is a very in-depth course conceived for those artists who, while spending a week-end in Florence, wish to be immerged in the Renaissance atmosphere, drawing and painting together with other fellows under the supervision and guidance of our experienced Art teachers.
During this course students will have the opportunity to try and practice various […]
The courses we offer at AdG, Italian language and Fine Arts school in Florence, Italy.
Drawing and Painting Courses: the complete course in Art is divided into 9 units (from unit A to unit I) and lasts 9 months. Students are however welcome to attend specific parts of the course (minimum 1 week). Courses normally […]
Il genere umano si è espresso attraverso simboli sin dagli albori della civiltà, ma cos’è l’arte? Chi è un artista? In questo corso inizieremo l’indagine delle radici e delle dinamiche del processo creativo e risponderemo alla domanda: “Quale contributo può dare la psicologia all’arte?”
L’arte terapia cerca di conciliare la comprensione artistica con la comprensione […]
El próximo mes de Junio Accademia del Giglio organizará un Workshop en Arte Terapia del 14 al 18 de Junio.
El genero humano se ha expresado a través de símbolos desde el inicio de las civilizaciones pero, ¿qué es Arte? ¿quién es un artista? En este curso iniciaremos una investigación sobre las raíces […]
Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on March 1st 2010 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in the heart of Florence.
Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and […]
Next June Accademia del Giglio will organize a workshop in Art Therapy from June 14th to 18th.
What is art? Who is an artist? In this course we will begin an inquiry into the roots and dynamics of the creative process and its cross-cultural locus in the heart of what it means to be human, […]
Next summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Portrait (and self-portrait) workshop in Florence on the following date:
June 7th – 11th 2010 Expiring date for enrollment: May 14th 2010
This course is mainly an intensive study of the physiognomy. Through making rapid strokes in pencil (or charcoal) students will learn how to portray the […]
Si terrà nelle seguenti date il prossimo workshop “Sketchbook di Firenze e paesaggismo“:
14 – 18 giugno 2010 26 – 30 luglio 2010 16 – 20 agosto 2010 20 – 24 settembre 2010
Si tratta di un seminario appositamente pensato per scoprire o ritrovare in una settimana la poesia e la magia di Firenze, i […]
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