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Gennaio 2025

Drawing Florence and Tuscany: one-week Art workshop in sketchbook and landscape

Next summer Accademia del Giglio will organize 4 Sketchbook and landscape workshops in Florence and in its surroundings on the following dates:

June 14th – 18th 2010 July 26th – 30th 2010 August 16th – 20th 2010 September 20th – 24th 2010

The Sketchbook and Landscape Workshop has been conceived for those students who wish […]

Seminari d’arte: Il ritratto classico e l’autoritratto

Questo corso che si terrà dal 7 all’11 giugno 2010 presso l’AdG, si propone come uno studio intensivo del volto umano, sia attraverso la tecnica veloce dello schizzo a matita o a carboncino, sia attraverso sedute più lunghe, che affronteranno i dettagli, i contrasti di chiaro e scuro e la psicologia del viso.

Si […]

Italian language group courses next February at all levels

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on February 4th 2010 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. At […]

Un fin de semana en Florencia aprendiendo italiano e Historia del arte

Aquí tenemos un ejemplo de calendario para un curso de italiano en Florencia de dos que puedes tomar en nuestra escuela.

PROPUESTA DE CALENDARIO PARA CURSO DE DOS DÍAS 14 horas combinadas con visitas a Museos

Mañana 9:00 am – 10:50 am · Aplicación de un examen escrito y oral (aproximadamente 20 […]

3 days learning Italian in Florence

Here is an example of a schedule for a 3-day crash course of Italian Language in Florence, which you may take at our school even on weekends.

Morning 9:30 am – 11 am · Assessment written and oral test (about 20 minutes, on first day). Lesson with the teacher (grammar). 11am · […]

Hausunttericht in Florenz! Lernen Sie Italienisch im Haus des Lehrers!

Wenn Sie etwas Anderes und etwas ganz Spezielles suchen, sollten Sie sich Hausunterricht in Italienisch überlegen. Es ist vollkommen und ausgezeichnet für die Personen, die die Sprache schnell lernen möchten, weil Hausunterricht sehr intensiv ist. Es gibt kurze Kurse, wenn Sie nicht so viel Zeit haben, ausserdem kann sowohl der Stundenplan als auch die Stunden […]

A week-end in Florence learning Italian and Art History

Here is an example of a schedule for a 2-day crash course of Italian Language in Florence, which you may take at our school all year round (even during Christmas holidays).

SAMPLE SCHEDULE FOR A 2-DAY COURSE 14 hours combined with Museum Visits Morning 9:00 am – 10:50 am · Assessment written […]

Italian language group courses next January at all levels

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on January 4th 2010 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. At […]

AdG Art studio: December pics




_____Still life____________________________________________________

_____The Art Studio_________________________________________________

More pictures from the AdG Art Studio on our Facebook page.

More information on our Drawing, Painting and Fresco courses are on our website.






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会話レッスン希望者は火曜日11:30から13:30 あるいは木曜日14:30から16:30 グル-プにてレベルにあった、あるいは少しレベルの高い生徒と一緒に行われます。


