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Gennaio 2025

Cours de dessin et peinture à Florence

A l’Académie del Giglio les inscriptions pour les cours de beaux-arts pour cet automne sont ouvertes.

Le cours de beaux-arts complet, reparti en 9 unités, aborde l’apprentissage des techniques de dessin et de peinture et vise aussi à développer les aptitudes artistiques de chaque élève. Les élèves peuvent toutefois choisir de fréquenter seulement une unité […]

Pictures from the Sketchbook and Landscape Workshop – July 2009

Here are a few pictures from the lesson out in the Chianti area where the group of the Sketchbook and Landscape course has taken advantage for drawing the beautiful countryside all day long. The course has been organized by Accademia del Giglio in Florence, Italy, during July 2009.

Alcune foto della gita nel Chianti del […]

Le piante dell’Accademia del Giglio

L’Accademia del Giglio è una scuola specializzata nell’insegnamento della lingua e della cultura italiana, dell’arte e della storia dell’arte. I corsi di lingua italiana e di disegno e pittura sono aperti tutto l’anno e sono rivolti a studenti stranieri e italiani. L’obiettivo della scuola è quello di contribuire al completo inserimento dello studente straniero nel […]

Italian shutters: pictures from AdG school of language and Art

Accademia del Giglio is a private school in Florence which is specifically aimed at helping international students to gain proficiency in Italian language and Art (drawing and painting techniques).

Italian language courses Accademia del Giglio organize intensive Italian language courses in small classes (max. 7 students) all year round for all levels, from beginner […]

Cours de fresque a Florence en automne

Le fresque est l’une des techniques de peinture les plus anciennes. Il fut inventé par les egyptiens qui plus tard l’introduirent en Grèce. Toutefois, c’est au 14éme siècle que, grâce aussi au peintre Giotto, la technique du fresque devient de plus en plus importante parmi les beaux-arts. La particularité du fresque demeure probablement dans sa […]

Hands: pics from AdG school of Italian in Florence

Accademia del Giglio is a private school in Florence which is specifically aimed at helping international students to gain proficiency in Italian language, Art and Art History and understand the many aspects of Italian culture. Our courses in Italian and Art techniques (drawing and painting) are open all year round. At Accademia del […]

Fresko Werkstatt in Italien

Das Fresko ist eines der ältesten Maltechniken. Es wurde von den Ägyptern entwickelt, die es später den Griechen beigebracht haben. Erst im 14 Jahrhundert, dank des italienischen Malers Giotto, gewann diese Technik immer größere künstlerische Bedeutung. Die spezielle Qualität des Freskos liegt ohne Frage in der Praktik: Das Pigment, ein natürliches Material – wird auf […]

Classes in Specific Italian language at AdG next August and September

These courses aim to develop special linguistic skills and a specific terminology area. Classes are held on an individual basis (or in small groups) so the student will have lessons tailored to his/her personal language needs. The learning programme and the timetable can be fitted to the needs of the individual student. Our textbook will […]

Italian language group courses next August at all levels

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on August 3rd and 17th organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. At Accademia del […]

Drawing Florence: one-week Art workshop in sketchbook and landscape

Few spaces available for the Sketchbook and landscape workshop organized by Accademia del Giglio in Florence from 27th to- 31st July 2009.

The Sketchbook and Landscape Workshop has been conceived for those students who wish to discover (or rediscover) in a week the poetry and the magic of Florence, with its renaissance buildings and its […]