Kurse in Zeichnen und Techniken der Malerei Der Kunstkurs ist in 9 Stufen eingeteilt und dauert insgesamt 9 Monate. Es ist jedoch für den Schüler möglich, an einzelnen Teilen des Kurses teilzunehmen (mindestens 1 Woche). Normalerweise fangen die Kunstkurse an den jeweilgen Startterminen der Schule an und finden von Montag bis Donnerstag nachmittags von […]
Accademia del Giglio, Drawing and Painting school in Florence, Italy, organize from November 3rd to 7th 2008 a seminar on Portrait and Self-portrait. This workshop will take place in our institute and will have a duration of 5 days, from Monday to Friday, for a total amount of 30 hours of tuition.
This course is […]
Nächste italienische Sprachkurse fängen in unserer Schule am 10. November an. Diese intensive Kurse finden von Montag bis Freitag von 9.30 bis 13.30 Uhr (Intensivkurse) oder von 9.30 bis 11.30 Uhr (Standardkurse) statt. Die Kurse sind in 7 Stufen eingeteilt: Anfänger, Grundstufe 1, Grundstufe 2, Mittelstufe 1, Mittelstufe 2, Fortbildung 1 und Fortbildung 2, dem […]
________________________________________________________________________________ Riceviamo da Giuseppe Gulizia, uno dei nostri collaboratori per i corsi di Home Tuition, e volentieri pubblichiamo un suo breve resoconto di questa esperienza d’insegnamento. ________________________________________________________________________________ “Quando l’Accademia del Giglio mi ha proposto di ospitare in casa mia per due settimane consecutive due studenti americani ho reagito con immediato entusiasmo. Mi è sempre […]
Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on November 10th 2008 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in Florence.
Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. At Accademia del Giglio we […]
L’Università per Stranieri di Siena, Ce.R.S.D.E.P. (Centro di Ricerca Sperimentazione e Documentazione di Educazione Permanente) in collaborazione con Associazione L’Altra Città organizza dall’11 dicembre 2008 al 24 aprile 2009, un Master di I livello in Comunicazione e didattica interculturale. Il Master, di carattere pluridisciplinare, intende sviluppare le capacità e le conoscenze necessarie per progettare e […]
Pubblico di seguito l’articolo redatto dalla Professoressa Marie-Agnès Munsch.
Je suis Marie-Agnès, professeur d’anglais au Lycée Flora Tristan et j’ai accompagné Laetitia, Vanessa, Elodie et Amandine, quatre élèves de 1ère année Bac Pro AMA (Arts et Métiers d’Art) et Bac Pro productique en Italie pendant leur première semaine en Italie pour le projet Leonardo da […]
Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on April 28th 2008. Courses will take place in the morning from Monday to Friday. Our courses are aimed at improving your Italian and they are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. Non-beginner students can start their course on any Monday. It is […]
We are happy to post this brief article written by 5 students from Lycée Flora Tristan, who are currently attending an intensive programme of Italian Language, History of Art and Fashion at Accademia del Giglio in Florence, in the frame of European Leonardo da Vinci project.
We are a French group: we come from […]
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