Il blog ufficiale dell'Accademia Del Giglio: italiano L2/LS, attività didattiche, arte e storia dell'arte a Firenze | |
Art classes are starting again soon at Accademia del Giglio in the centre of Florence. From January 7th drawing and painting techniques will be taught both in English and in Italian by the Art teacher Gianparide Moretti, in the Art studio of the school. The complete course in Art is divided into 9 units […] Notre prochain cours de beaux-arts commencera le 2 juillet à Florence. Le cours complet, reparti en 9 unités, abordera l’apprentissage des techniques du dessein et de la peinture et visera aussi à développer les aptitudes artistiques de chaque élève. Les élèves peuvent toutefois choisir de fréquenter seulement une unité (4 semaines) ou bien une “sous-unité” […] There are still places available for Italian Language classes, which will start on June 4th at our school. For registration you can go to our admission webpage. Small groups (maximum 7 students per classes), all levels. Courses will take place in the morning from Monday to Friday. Our courses are aimed at improving your Italian […] Sarasa Krishnan, studentessa di arte presso la nostra scuola, terrà presso l’Istituto Italiano di Ayurveda, Via Santa Caterina d’Alessandria 12 a Firenze, un seminario di Danza Indiana. Il corso avrà luogo nei giorni 20 e 21 gennaio 2007. Sarasa Krishnan è un’artista nota a livello internazionale sia per le sue opere pittoriche, visibili sul suo […] |
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