Already planning your summer holiday? Why not to choose one of our many summer study programs in:
Italian Fine Arts Art History Cooking
Still undecided? Maybe we can convince you by giving you 10 good reasons to spend your summer in Florence at Accademia del Giglio:
1. You can learn Italian in small classgroups with […]
Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on June 3rd 2014 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in the heart of Florence.
A few pictures taken from our 2-hour Lecture on the Fresco technique followed by some practice on a fresco sample. More info on the adg website.
Foto scattate durante la lezione specialistica di 2 ore sulla tecnica dell’affresco: storia, teoria e pratica. Maggiori informazioni sul sito di adg.
A voyage of discovery of the renaissance drawing, from Botticelli to Leonardo, from Michelangelo to Raffaello.
Next Spring and Summer 2014 Accademia del Giglio will organize a Sanguine and charcoal drawing workshop in Florence on the following dates:
May 12th – 16th 2014 July 7th – 11th 2014 September 29th – October 3rd […]
An in-deep study of the human body using your favourite drawing and/or colour technique: graphite, charcoal, sanguine, pen-and-ink, pastel crayon, oil or acrylic.
Next spring and summer Accademia del Giglio will organize three Life Drawing Workshop in Florence in the following dates:
May 12th – 16th 2014 July 7th – August 11th 2014 […]
An in-depth approach to the watercolor technique, a full immersion in the soft and delicate colors of the Florentine buildings, a study of light tones along the river Arno and its historical bridges.
This summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Watercolor Workshop in Florence in the following dates:
June 3rd – 7th […]
A few pictures of the Art Exhibition showing the artworks of the students who attended the Drawing and Painting courses at Accademia del Giglio in Florence during the last months. The students showing their works are: Diogo Barbosa, Adam Bligh-Hasan, Margaret Hosik, Antonietta Izzo, Ryoko Kitagawa, Gabriela Luft, Michel Maranghi, Nova Pardede, Flora Robertson, Banu […]
This summer Accademia del Giglio will organize three Sketchbook and landscape workshops in Florence and in its surroundings on the following dates:
June 3rd – 7th 2014 July 28th – August 1st 2014 September 1st – 5th 2014
The Sketchbook and Landscape Workshop has been conceived for those students who […]
Accademia del Giglio, (Art school in the heart of Florence, Italy) is organizing this spring two seminars on Portrait and Self-portrait techniques on the following dates:
March 17th – 21st 2014 April 21st – 25th 2014
This workshop will take place in our institute and will have a duration of 5 days, from Monday to […]
Accademia del Giglio di Firenze è lieta di presentare il suo nuovo workshop intensivo di:
Pittura da fotografia
Prendi le tue foto preferite e trasformale in un quadro! Un seminario intensivo per imparare a trasformare le fotografie in disegni o dipinti.
Si studierà come ritrarre persone e animali e come […]
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