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Gennaio 2025

Affreschi/Frescoes di/by Cora Hatz Grandin – Firenze, Novembre/November 2013

Pittura ad affresco dell’artista Cora Hatz Grandin. Novembre 2013, Accademia del Giglio, Firenze.

Frescoes by Cora Hatz Grandin, November 2013, Accademia del Giglio, Florence, Italy.



One-day Italian Art History classes in Florence

These lessons are very intensive and are meant for those who have little time to spend in Florence but they wish to experience an intensive day of Art History and discover the renaissance buildings of the city as well as its unique museums. One-to-one or very small group classes are […]

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, November 2013

Here are a few pictures taken during our November 2013 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.



Italian Language and Art studies: One term combined programme starting next January

This programme combines Italian Language studies with Fine Arts studies and it will start on January 7th 2014 at AdG. Here is a brief description:


Italian lesson

From beginner to intermediate (B1), according to the European Language Portfolio.

12 weeks, 2 hours a day, in the morning, from […]

The portrait and self-portrait seminar next spring in Florence

Self-portrait by Tim, a former student of AdG

Accademia del Giglio, (Art school in the heart of Florence, Italy) is organizing for Spring 2014 two seminars on Portrait and Self-portrait techniques on the following dates:

March 17th – 21st 2014 April 21st – 25th 2014

This workshop will take place in our institute […]

Seminari di Arte a Firenze da Novembre 2013 a Maggio 2014

Ecco le date di tutti i Seminari e workshop intensivi di arte che si terranno all’Accademia del Giglio di Firenze nel 2013/2014.

Date 2013

Novembre 11 – 15 Tecniche del ritratto e autoritratto 25 – 29 Sanguigna/Carboncino + Disegno del nudo

Dicembre 2 – 6 Affresco 9 – 13 Sanguigna/Carboncino + Disegno del nudo 16 […]

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, October 2013

Here are a few more pictures taken during our October 2013 Art classes and Art workshops at Accademia del Giglio.

Portrait and Selfportrait seminars, Lifedrawing, Fresco and Sanguine and Charcoal Workshops all year round for all levels. Classes are held in English and Italian.


Online Italian language courses with AdG teachers

Learn Italian with our teachers through Skype!

This kind of courses through distance learning have been purposedly devised for those students who cannot come to Italy or for those who have attended our school and wish to go on studying Italian with their Language teachers once back in their country.

Thanks to our online courses […]

More pics from the ADG Art studio, September 2013

Here are a few more pictures taken during our September 2013 Art classes and Art workshops at Accademia del Giglio.

Portrait and Selfportrait seminars, Lifedrawing, Fresco and Sanguine and Charcoal Workshops all year round for all levels. Classes are held in English and Italian.


Workshop di trompe l’oeil e di decorazione prossimamente a Firenze

Ultimi posti disponibili per i seminari di Trompe l’oeil e Decorazione che si terranno entrambi presso l’Accademia del Giglio, scuola d’arte, disegno e pittura in via Ghibellina, 116 (nero) a Firenze nelle seguenti date:

4 – 8 novembre 2013 13 – 17 gennaio 2014


effetto trompe l’oeil

Il trompe l’oeil nasce dall’incontro […]