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Settembre 2024

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, October 2013

Here are a few more pictures taken during our October 2013 Art classes and Art workshops at Accademia del Giglio.

Portrait and Selfportrait seminars, Lifedrawing, Fresco and Sanguine and Charcoal Workshops all year round for all levels. Classes are held in English and Italian.


Online Italian language courses with AdG teachers

Learn Italian with our teachers through Skype!

This kind of courses through distance learning have been purposedly devised for those students who cannot come to Italy or for those who have attended our school and wish to go on studying Italian with their Language teachers once back in their country.

Thanks to our online courses […]

More pics from the ADG Art studio, September 2013

Here are a few more pictures taken during our September 2013 Art classes and Art workshops at Accademia del Giglio.

Portrait and Selfportrait seminars, Lifedrawing, Fresco and Sanguine and Charcoal Workshops all year round for all levels. Classes are held in English and Italian.


Workshop di trompe l’oeil e di decorazione prossimamente a Firenze

Ultimi posti disponibili per i seminari di Trompe l’oeil e Decorazione che si terranno entrambi presso l’Accademia del Giglio, scuola d’arte, disegno e pittura in via Ghibellina, 116 (nero) a Firenze nelle seguenti date:

4 – 8 novembre 2013 13 – 17 gennaio 2014


effetto trompe l’oeil

Il trompe l’oeil nasce dall’incontro […]

Italian language group courses at all levels this fall

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on October 21st and on November 25th 2013 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in the heart of Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your […]

New pictures from the ADG Art studio, September 2013 – Details

Here are a few pictures taken during our September 2013 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.


Fresco seminars next fall and winter in Florence

Intensive Fresco Seminars will take place at Accademia del Giglio in Florence next fall and winter and will have a duration of 5 days, from Monday to Friday, for a total amount of 30 hours of tuition. Workshops will be held on the following dates:

October 7th – 11th 2013 December […]

“Vado a vivere in campagna” di Simone Giusti: colpi di zappa ben assestati

“Braccia rubate all’agricoltura” oppure “Tieni la penna come una zappa” o ancora “Studia! che la vanga è pesa” sono espressioni che avete probabilmente sentito nel corso della vostra vita scolastica. Simone Giusti, maremmano di nascita e di residenza, in questo suo ultimo libro, Vado a vivere in campagna – Fenomenologia delle fattorie sociali (edizioni effequ, […]

The AdG video of Summer 2013

What we did at AdG this summer? Check it out on this video!



More detailed information about Art classes at AdG school in Florence.

Related articles Pictures from the ADG Art studio, August 2013 One day drawing and painting in Florence Pictures from the Portrait Workshop – July 2013 Pictures form Drawing and […]

Un día pintando y diseñando en Florencia

Diseño en acuarela en los jardines de Florencia

Un día en Florencia y sus alrededores dedicado a las Bellas Artes. ¿Lo habías pensado?

Un día de clases de Arte ha sido diseñado pensando en todos los artistas que tienen poco tiempo a disposición en Florencia y el deseo de probar una experiencia intensiva […]