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Settembre 2024

Séminaires de beaux-arts intensifs – Été 2013

Les séminaires d’art de l’Accademia del Giglio, école des beaux-arts à Florence, ont lieu du lundi au vendredi tant le matin que l’après-midi, soit dans notre atelier qu’en plein air, dans le rues et les places de Florence, ou même dans la campagne toscane. Chaque programme comprend 30-32 heures de cours en petits groups.

Voici […]

Per una didattica a 360°: a Firenze il workshop per insegnanti di italiano L2/LS di Edilingua Edizioni

Il prossimo giovedì 6 giugno 2013, dalle 14.00 alle 18.00, presso l’Auditorium al Duomo di Firenze, via Cerretani 54rosso, le Edizioni Edilingua terranno il workshop didattico dal titolo:

Per una didattica a 360°: dal libro al web 2.0, attraverso il video, i multimedia e la LIM Materiali, tecniche e tecnologie per motivare studenti adulti e […]

Pictures from the ADG Art studio, May 2013

Here are a few pictures taken during our May 2013 Art classes at Accademia del Giglio.

The AdG Art Studio in May 2013


Drawing and Painting techniques: a still life



Online Italian language courses with AdG teachers

Learn Italian with our teachers through Skype!

This kind of courses through distance learning have been purposedly devised for those students who cannot come to Italy or for those who have attended our school and wish to go on studying Italian with their Language teachers once back in their country.

Thanks to our online courses […]

Painting decoration workshop next summer in Florence

Malachite effect

Accademia del Giglio, (Art school in the heart of Florence, Italy) is organizing next spring and summer three seminars on decoration techniques on the following dates:

July 22nd – 26th 2013 September 23rd – 27th 2013

This intensive seminar is aiming at unveiling to the students all the secrets for a […]

Art history course next June: the Renaissance in Florence

Florence is an open-air museum and as such it should be explored by our students with the help of teachers and guides.

This 16-hour course is meant to be a journey of rediscovery of the visual arts which flourished in Tuscany in the Renaissance period, as well as a “hands-on” approach to the […]

Art in the museums of Florence

Draw and paint some of the masterpieces of the Italian art inside the museums.

This is a unique seminar that will allow you to spend several hours in the company of the most renowned works of art on display in the major museums of Florence. You will have the extraordinary opportunity of admiring […]

L’italiano col marketing (3)

Guarda il video “la parola più persuasiva del marketing è…” e poi rispondi alle domande.

A. Quale di queste espressioni è sinonimo di “essere in fila”?

fare la linea; essere in linea; essere la coda; fare la coda.

B. Completa la seguente frase: l’esperimento di cui si parla nel video serve per […]

Italiano con la letteratura: buon Primo maggio con una filastrocca di Gianni Rodari

L’Italia è una Repubblica democratica, fondata sul lavoro. Queste sono le parole con cui ha inizio la Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana, la più bella Costituzione del mondo come da molti definita. Gli italiani pongono dunque il diritto al lavoro al primo posto assoluto della scala dei valori dell’esistenza umana. Oggi, Primo maggio, si celebra questa […]

Sculpture workshop in Florence next June and August

Accademia del Giglio, (Art school in the heart of Florence, Italy) is organizing next summer two seminars on Sculpture techniques on the following dates:

June 10th – 14th 2013 August 26th – 30th 2013

This is an intensive in-depth study of the main techniques of sculpture with clay: 30 hours of tuition in 5 days, […]