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Settembre 2024

Draw and paint: Landscape, wildlife and marine

Draw and paint in the heart of Florence, in the Tuscan countryside, in a wildlife reserve and in front of the sea.

This workshop has been conceived for those students who want to draw and/or paint outdoors the monuments of Florence, the enthralling charm of the Tuscan countryside (where Leonardo da Vinci was […]

Intensive Seminars of Italian Language 2013: grammar, conversation and italian with songs

Italian Grammar, conversation and Italian with songs in one-week: intensive, effective and entertaining.

These classes aim at developing your language skills through a complete immersion in the Italian language. A friendly and leisurely atmosphere will help you to get into the various subjects that will be treated throughout the seminar with tested and effective teaching […]

Alla scoperta dell’approccio globale. Spettacolo didattico per insegnanti di italiano per stranieri

ALMA Edizioni terrà venerdì 22 e sabato 23 marzo 2013 a Roma una giornata di formazione gratuita per insegnanti: “Alla scoperta dell’approccio globale. Spettacolo didattico per insegnanti di italiano per stranieri”.

Dopo il successo dell’edizione 2012 (vedi con quasi 300 insegnanti presenti, l’appuntamento è a Roma, nella cornice suggestiva del MAXXI (Museo nazionale delle […]

I read Italian, a collection of resources for teaching or learning Italian as a second language.

Today’s online language students have a wealth of resources at their disposal. The Italian language learner can endlessly surf the web and find classes, books, videos, music and many other tools available at no cost. To get started in the search for useful learning sites, search engines can definitely help point out to the right […]

Art + Italian Language studies: One term combined programme starting in June

This programme will on June 3rd 2013 at AdG and it will combine Italian Language studies with Fine Arts studies:


From beginner to intermediate (B1), according to the European Language Portfolio.

12 weeks, 2 hours a day, in the morning, from 9.30am to 11.30am, Monday – Friday

Total number of […]

2013: grandi eventi, fiere e festival in Italia

Milano Moda dal 10 gennaio al 9 febbraio. Quando si dice moda in Italia si dice Milano.

Pitti immagine di Firenze gennaio. moda e tendenze nella culla del rinascimento.

Triennale del design di Milano gennaio, febbraio e marzo. Mostre e eventi a go-go in tutta la città.

Arte fiera dal 25 al 28 gennaio. La […]

Art classes: Drawing and Painting techniques in Florence

The Art class

Study Drawing and Painting techniques in Florence.

The complete course in Art is divided into 9 units (from unit A to unit I) and lasts 9 months. Students are however welcome to attend specific parts of the course.

All of our teachers are highly qualified and experts in the various […]

Cursos de italiano para extranjeros en Florencia

Se encuentran abiertas las inscripciones a los cursos de italiano para extranjeros del invierno y de la primavera 2013. Las fechas de inicio para los principiantes son las siguientes:

2013 7 enero 4 febrero 4 marzo 2 y 29 abril 6 mayo 3 junio

Los cursos de lengua italiana se llevan a cabo de lunes […]

Italian language group courses at all levels next January

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on January 7h 2013 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in the heart of Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. At […]

XXI Convegno Nazionale ILSA: approcci innovativi e buone pratiche nell’insegnamento linguistico

Il 24 novembre 2012 si è rinnovato l’appuntamento con il Convegno ILSA, quest’anno volto ad analizzare gli approcci innovativi e buone pratiche nell’insegnamento linguistico. La Sala Altana di Palazzo Strozzi ha accolto i partecipanti al dalle 9:15 di mattina per la registrazione e circa un’ora dopo il Presidente ILSA Prof. Massimo Maggini ha aperto la […]