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Febbraio 2025

Learn Italian in Florence next April

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on April 28th 2008. Courses will take place in the morning from Monday to Friday. Our courses are aimed at improving your Italian and they are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. Non-beginner students can start their course on any Monday. It is […]

It’s never too late for learning… Italian!

One of the most diffused problems in learning languages in advanced age is related to the affective aspects. It is known that even if elderly people have a strong motivation for studying languages sometimes they can find big obstacles in learning a foreign language in their countries. The study of a language can be associated […]

Comparison between a Cimabue’s work and a Giotto’s work: main characteristics.

We are happy to post this brief article written by 5 students from Lycée Flora Tristan, who are currently attending an intensive programme of Italian Language, History of Art and Fashion at Accademia del Giglio in Florence, in the frame of European Leonardo da Vinci project.

We are a French group: we come from […]

The sanguine drawing workshop

The third intensive Art workshop that Accademia del Giglio offers next summer approaches the main sanguine drawing and classical techniques.

A full immersion in the ancient technique of sanguine and charcoal, a voyage of discovery of the renaissance drawing, from Botticelli to Leonardo, from Michelangelo to Raffaello.

The natural sanguine chalk originally comes from some […]

Specific Italian language courses in Florence

These courses aim to develop special linguistic skills and a specific terminology area. Classes are held on an individual basis (or in small groups) so the student will have lessons tailored to his/her personal language needs. The learning programme and the timetable can be fitted to the needs of the individual student. Our textbook will […]

Crash Courses of Italian (in the weekend)

These courses offer a unique opportunity to learn the maximum amount of Italian in the shortest possible time. Classes are normally held at weekends, but can also be taken on weekdays or on different dates, for example on a series of Saturdays or Sundays, either once per week or once per fortnight. The number of […]

It is never too late for learning a foreign language!

Learning languages can be considered a good way to keep mind alive. Even if it is commonly known that cerebral ageing implies changes in the cognitive activities, in the last years there has been a different approach to this field. Especially in the USA , but also in other countries, the trend is now to […]

Studying Italian: only for culture?

Our language, formed about eight centuries ago, has always been considered one of the most internationally diffused languages. The diffusion of the Italian language has been more recently characterized also by two other factors: the presence of large Italian communities in some geographical areas (United States, Canada, Argentina, France, Belgium, Germany, Australia…) as a […]

Soccer quiz!

Now you can take a quiz on the soccer culture. Since we are in “Italia” the Questions will be concentrated on Italian soccer.

1. Who won the last world cup,and in which city was it played? 2. How many times and in which years was the world cup won by the Italians?

3. Who raised […]

TQAC sulla formazione dei docenti in Europa/Training, quality and certifications in FLT

Il Centro DITALS dell’Università per stranieri di Siena organizza il meeting internazionale TQAC sulla formazione dei docenti di lingue in Europa che si svolgerà a Siena il 4 e il 5 febbraio 2008 presso l’Auditorium dell’Università per Stranieri di Siena, Via Pispini 1A. L’incontro toccherà tematiche relative alla didattica delle lingue inglese, francese, tedesco, spagnolo, […]