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Gennaio 2025

Italians make it (coffee) better: reloaded

This post by Lorenzo Capanni first appeared five years ago on

Italians make it better. We are talking about coffee of course. From the north to the south of the country coffee is a daily ritual which no Italian would ever abandon. There are two ways of making coffee: with an espresso machine and […]

Special offer: Italian language group course for beginners starting on September 5th 2011

Still places available for the Italian language group courses for beginners starting on September 5th 2011 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in the heart of Florence.

Special offer: enrol now, within August 22nd 2011 in the Italian language course for beginners starting on September 5th […]

19 – 23 September 2011: Portrait and Self-Portrait Art Workshop

Portrait and Self-Portrait Art Workshop: September 19th – 23rd 2011.

Total amount of hours: 30 Schedule: morning and afternoon, Monday through Friday.

Cost: 570 Euro + 45 Euro enrolment fee = 615 Euro

Special offer: workshop + accommodation (single room in a family with half board, breakfast and dinner) 885 Euro (instead of 1065 […]

Vamos a la playa, oh oh oh oh oooooh!

Pero que calor, que ganas de remojar los pies ( y no solo)! A dónde ir cuando tenemos que movernos desde una ciudad como Florencia, que no es muy cercana a la costa y no tenemos otro medio para viajar más que el tren o al límite, el autobús? La primera destinación que se me […]

Submit your Art to “Embracing Our Differences 2012”

Embracing Our Differences invites art submissions for its 9th annual outdoor art exhibit celebrating diversity. National and international submissions are encouraged. 39 artists will be selected for the exhibit. The Exhibit will be displayed April and May 2012 at Island Park along Sarasota, Florida’s beautiful bayfront. Since 2004, the exhibit has been viewed by more […]

P como… Pizza!

Es una de las palabras en italiano más conocida en el mundo, es sin lugar a dudas, uno de los productos gastronómicos más amado alrededor del planeta, es uno de los símbolos del país de la bota, la pizza!

Todo parece indicar que la pizza tuvo su origen en Napoles, gracias al ingenio de Vincenzo […]

Del dios Marte a San Juan

Pongamos una moneda para hacer funcionar la maquina del tiempo: regresemos a la Florencia romana, cuando el dios Marte era el protector de la ciudad. La estatua que lo representaba se encontraba justo al inicio del Puente Viejo, en donde permaneció hasta 1933, año en el que uno de los tantos desbordes del […]

ILLUMInación y sombras de la Bienal de Venecia 54

Urs Fischer

Una bienal en línea con las últimas ediciones: entre desilusiones, déjà-vu y (pocas) sorpresas. Los ganadores de este año los habiamos, modestamente, individuado también nosotros: Leone d’oro por la mejor participación nacional al Pabellón de Alemania (rebautizado para la ocasión “Egomania”) y el artista que ha cuidado la realización, Christoph Schlingensief, […]

Montefioralle Extemporary Painting Contest June 11th, 2011

Vineyards in Montefioralle, by Liliana Grassi

On the occasion of the event Classico E’ , Azienda Agricola Montefioralle organizes an extemporary painting competition.

Italian and foreign artists of every tendency or technique can take part into the competition.

The contest will take place on June, 11th 2011 from 9.30 am to 6.30 pm […]

Vota per adgblog/Vote for adgblog è stato selezionato anche per quest’anno dal sito Lexiophiles tra i primi 200 blog di lingua del 2011. Adesso è il momento delle votazioni: potete aiutarci cliccando su questo LINK e votando per Accademia del Giglio.

Lexiophiles has selected amongst the 200 blogs in the ‘Language Teaching’ […]