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Gennaio 2025

History of the Italian cinema: the Neorealism

The cultural movement of Neorealism occurred between 1943 (“Ossessione” di L. Visconti) and 1949 (“Riso amaro” by De Santis), but its presence is evident in films until 1952. It was a brief period, however it was extremely influential in modern cinema, not only in Italy, but also world wide. It was a left born movement, […]

Bard College visiting Florence, Montepulciano, Pienza and Montalcino

Bard College is back to Florence at Accademia del Giglio for their Italian language and culture programme in 2010. Here is the video of their excursion to the towns of Montepulciano, Pienza and Montalcino on January 6th.


A traditional Tuscan recipe: Risotto with leeks

A hot dish, which will be received well in these cold winter days!

These ingredients serve 4 people:

200 grams of fine rice, 3-4 semi-medium size leeks, 2 sticks of celery, 2 zucchinis, 1 onion, a bouillon cube of meat broth and one of vegetable broth, olive oil, a tablespoon of concentrated tomato paste dissolved […]

Architectonic styles in Italy (part I)

Etruscan architecture (8th century b.c. – 1st century b.c.) found primarily in Tuscany, for example in Volterra, Populonia, and Vetulonia. This architectural style is evident in tombs (houses were made of wood), arches (arches were invented by the Etruscan people), and amphitheatres.

Greek (8th century b.c. – 3rd century b.c.) Found in southern Italy and […]

Stereotypes: the Italians are the direct descendants of the ancient Romans

One of the stereotypes that is most common among foreign students of the Italian language is that the Italians are direct descendants of the ancient Romans. We have to correct this rumour, because the Italians are actually a product of centuries of invasions and mixtures of different peoples, it is like a melting pot of […]

Hausunttericht in Florenz! Lernen Sie Italienisch im Haus des Lehrers!

Wenn Sie etwas Anderes und etwas ganz Spezielles suchen, sollten Sie sich Hausunterricht in Italienisch überlegen. Es ist vollkommen und ausgezeichnet für die Personen, die die Sprache schnell lernen möchten, weil Hausunterricht sehr intensiv ist. Es gibt kurze Kurse, wenn Sie nicht so viel Zeit haben, ausserdem kann sowohl der Stundenplan als auch die Stunden […]



versione italiana qui

Delicioso pastel con frutos secos

Miedo de las calorias? Temor de las imperfecciones de la piel? Tienen toda mi solidaridad, pero este pastel es capaz de vencer cualquier remordimiento, además no es necesario terminarlo en una sola dosis, ya que se conserva bastante bien en una bolsita de plástico hasta por una semana.


From today Florence is closer…

Yes, from today Florence is closer by train. With the new “Freccia Rossa” the major Italian cities are all closer to each other. Here are just some examples with prices:

Florence – Milan, 1 hour and 45 minutes, 52 Euro; Florence – Turin, 2 hours and 45 minutes, 67 Euro; Florence – Bologna, 37 minutes, […]

Pastel de manzana, rico y fácil

Un pastel más con manzana! Con algunas variantes para sustituir algunos ingredientes que faltan.Para prepararla son necesarios:

150 g. de harina, 300 g. de azúcar refinado, 100 g. de mantequilla, 100 g. de almendras peladas y finamente cortadas, 3 huevos, 1/2 taza de leche, 3 manzanas grandes (tipo Golden o si […]