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Marzo 2025

Italian language group courses in November 2008

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on November 10th 2008 organized by Accademia del Giglio, Italian language and Art school in Florence.

Teaching method: our courses are aimed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. At Accademia del Giglio we […]

Study Italian in the Monty Python way?

If you don’t want to study Italian in a class like the one on the following video, we suggest you come to study in Florence at Accademia del Giglio, Italian language courses in small classes, in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.


Accademia del Giglio organize intensive Italian language courses in small classes (max. 7 […]

Le projet Leonardo da Vinci en Italie

Pubblico di seguito l’articolo redatto dalla Professoressa Marie-Agnès Munsch.

Je suis Marie-Agnès, professeur d’anglais au Lycée Flora Tristan et j’ai accompagné Laetitia, Vanessa, Elodie et Amandine, quatre élèves de 1ère année Bac Pro AMA (Arts et Métiers d’Art) et Bac Pro productique en Italie pendant leur première semaine en Italie pour le projet Leonardo da […]

Italian Language courses for beginners in Florence at AdG

Still places available for the Italian language group courses starting on February 7th 2008. Courses will take place in the morning from Monday to Friday. Our courses are aimed at improving your Italian and they are carefully structured to develop your fluency and accuracy. Non-beginner students can start their course on any Monday. It is […]